Generally speaking, filing a claim as soon as possible after an accident helps your insurer pay you sooner. Claims take time to process, so the sooner you file, the sooner you're likely to see a reimbursement or payment from your provider.
What's the time limit for a car insurance claim?
Comprehensive and third party car insurance claims
Most insurers don't have a specific claims deadline. The amount of time you have to submit a car insurance claim can vary between insurers, so it's worth getting in touch with yours as soon as possible. Once you've submitted a claim, the insurer has 10 business days to respond.
Compulsory third party claims
Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance is slightly different to other car insurance claims. CTP claim time limits vary between states and territories (we've outlined these limits below). CTP covers compensation for anyone injured or killed in a vehicle accident. It doesn't cover damage to property or vehicles. It's mandatory in all Australian states and territories.
Time limits for different types of claims
The benefits you can get from CTP are generally broken down into 2 categories, though it can differ slightly between states.
- Statutory benefits. These are basic benefits that cover injuries and loss of earnings for a set amount of time after the accident. This is mainly for the driver who wasn't at fault, although more and more states are allowing the at-fault driver to access some of these benefits as well.
- Personal damages. The not-at-fault driver can go after the at-fault driver's CTP insurance company for more compensation if their injuries are bad enough that they experience ongoing economic damage (and sometimes even non-economic damage like pain and suffering) that outlasts their statutory damages.
Time limits for CTP car insurance claims
New South Wales
In NSW, you can make a CTP claim up to three months after the accident. If you want to claim back for loss of earnings though, you must make your claim within 28 days from the date of the accident.
You have up to 12 months from the date of the accident to make a claim, or from the date you first noticed injuries relating to the accident.
If you cannot identify the vehicle driven by the other driver, you must make a CTP claim within three months of the date of the incident in QLD, or within nine months of first noticing injuries resulting from the accident. If a solicitor is managing your claim, you must submit it within one month of the first meeting.
South Australia
You must lodge a claim form within six months of the date of the accident or as soon as reasonably practicable if the at-fault vehicle can't be identified. If you don't comply with these timeframes, you should reach out to your CTP insurer.
Western Australia
You must submit a CTP claim within three years of the accident. Damages for personal injury can't be made after this time.
You must complete an Application for Benefits (Form B) and Form A if you were the driver or owner of a vehicle involved in an accident. You have to do this within 12 months of the date of the accident.
Northern Territory
In the NT, you need to submit a CTP claim within six months of the accident.
Australian Capital Territory
If the claim is to a CTP insurer in the ACT, you have nine months from the day of the accident or from the time you first notice injuries resulting from the accident. You have three months to submit a CTP claim through the nominal defendant. You have one month if you use a lawyer.
Frequently asked questions
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Ask a question
Hi i was in a accident white a taxi it was his fault waiting for the insurance still to pay been 8 month what can i do
Hi Jason,
I’m sorry to hear that you were in an accident. It’s best to reach out to the insurance company directly to inquire about the status of the claim.
If you think there has been unreasonable delay and you are not satisfied with the insurer’s reason for this, you can contact the insurer and lodge a complaint.
I hope this helps.