Finder recognises the prevalence of modern slavery across the globe and the devastating impact it has on communities and individuals. As such, we have a zero-tolerance approach to any form of forced labour and remain committed to upholding the protection of human rights in our operations and supply chain.
Our second Modern Slavery Statement (Statement) applies to Pty Ltd (Finder) and its wholly owned subsidiaries in Australia and the United Kingdom, for the financial year ended 30 June 2023. Our Statement has been prepared in accordance with, the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) in Australia and the Modern Slavery Act 2015 in the United Kingdom, and sets out our approach to mitigating the risk of the occurrence of modern slavery practices in connection with our business, including information on:
- Our company's values, corporate structure, operations and suppliers;
- Modern slavery risks we have identified as relevant to our company; and
- Actions undertaken by us (and our planned future actions) to address such risks.
Download Finder's Joint Modern Slavery Statement FY23