It's not possible to plan for every expense that's going to come your way, which is why some people choose to take out personal loans. Before you consider taking out a personal loan, it's important to know if you will be able to afford the repayments. Use our calculator to get an idea of what your repayments will look like.
Calculate your personal loan repayments
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Why compare personal loans with Finder?
More guides on Finder
Secured Personal Loans
Are secured personal loans better than unsecured personal loans and how do they work?
Compare green loans: Go green and save big
Going green can save you money and support the planet but if the upfront costs are high, a green loan could help you make the switch.
Funeral Loans
We’ve written about how you can finance the funeral of a loved one.
Joint Personal Loans
If you're wanting to bolster your application, buy an asset with your partner or apply for a loan you're not eligible for by yourself, you can consider a joint application personal loan.
Personal loans for temporary residents
Temporary Australian residents may be eligible to apply for personal loans, depending on the visa they hold.
Easy personal loans
Not all personal loans come with endless documentation. Some lenders specialise in quick and easy application processes.
Unsecured personal loans in Australia
Compare unsecured personal loans from some of Australia's top lenders. Find the best deal on rates, fees and features in seconds.
Personal loan calculator
Use a personal loan calculator to work out your repayments or compare loans with a comparison calculator.
Fixed rate personal loans from 6.57% p.a.
We’ve written about fixed rate personal loans and what their advantages are.
Low interest personal loans that’ll peak your… interest
Find a low interest loan by comparing your options with Finder. See interest rates, fees, and features for loans across Australia, plus guides to help you get the best deal.
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Is it safe to enter all the information required , such as DOB, License number and so on?
Hi Mina,
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Yes, it is safe to enter all the information required on our personal loan calculator. You may also read our privacy policy for more details.
Hope this helps!