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Each month we analyse over 10,000 hospital insurance products and rate each one on price and features. What we end up with is a nice round number that helps you compare hospital cover a bit faster.
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There can be tax benefits if you earn over $97k as a single person or $194k as a couple. You can avoid paying the Medicare levy surcharge with a basic hospital policy.
The Lifetime Health Cover loading is a penalty that applies to anyone who takes out private health insurance after their 31st birthday. The loading increases by 2% for every year you don't have hospital insurance.
Elective surgery waiting times are typically much shorter than public hospitals. Keep in mind though that you'll have to wait 12 months if your condition is pre-existing.
You often get to choose your own doctor, when you're treated and your own room in a private hospital, where possible.
Medicare doesn't cover ambulance transport, except in Tasmania and Queensland. A basic hospital policy can cover you though. There are also ambulance-only policies from $1.50 a week.
If you receive an in-hospital service as a private patient, Medicare typically covers 75% of the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) fee. Your private health cover will pay the remaining 25%.
However, a doctor or specialist won't always stick to the MBS fee set by the government as a fair fee for a service or treatment. In this case, you'd have to pay an out-of-pocket fee known as "the gap".
Some insurers have deals with healthcare providers that mean all or some of the gap is covered by your health fund.
Hospital cover only helps with items that are on the MBS. If the treatment you want isn't on the MBS, you won't get help from private hospital cover.
Gold-tier hospital insurance covers all 38 treatments outlined by the Australian government. This includes treatments like joint replacements, pregnancy and insulin pumps, as well as all services covered by Silver-tier policies.
Silver-tier hospital insurance covers at least 26 treatments outlined by the Australian government. This includes treatments like dental surgery, lung and chest, and podiatric surgery, as well as all services covered by Bronze-tier policies.
Basic-tier hospital insurance isn't required to fully cover any treatments outlined by the Australian government, but it does need to have restricted cover for rehabilitation, hospital psychiatric services and palliative care. Generally, Basic cover is primarily used to avoid the Medicare Levy Surcharge and Lifetime Health Cover loading.
*Average prices updated December 2024, in line with Finder's database of health insurance policies. Prices are based on a single individual with less than $97,000 income and living in Sydney with a $750 excess.
There are 2 different government schemes that may cost you money if you don't have hospital cover.
If you earn over $97,000 (from 1 July 2024) and don't have hospital cover, you'll be taxed 1%, 1.25% or 1.5% of your wage due to the MLS. Get a cheap policy and you can avoid the tax.
For a lot of people, the cost of a hospital policy can be less than what they'd be taxed if they didn't have it. For example, a single person who earns $97,000 per year would pay an additional $970 in tax if they don't have insurance. But there are health insurance providers with basic policies starting from around $915 per year.
So even if you don't plan on using private health insurance, it can make financial sense to get a policy anyway.
LHC loading kicks in on 1 July immediately after your 31st birthday. For every year you don't have health insurance from that date, you'll be charged an extra 2% when you eventually do decide to get a policy.
For example, if you wait until you're 41 to get hospital cover, your premiums will be 20% higher than they would have been if you took out a policy before the deadline. That's assuming you don't have an exemption. Get hospital cover before the deadline and you won't be hit with the penalty.
"My wife and I earn over the MLS threshold and we live in NSW, so it made sense for us to take out hospital insurance. Now we're saving money by having a policy in place, plus we don't need to worry about an expensive ambulance bill anymore."
With hospital cover, the Private Health Insurance Ombudsman sets the maximum possible waiting periods for every circumstance and insurers have to stick to them. This means the same waiting periods will apply no matter what hospital policy you get.
Hospital benefit | Waiting period |
Most pre-existing conditions | 12 months |
Pregnancy and childbirth | 12 months |
All psychiatric care, rehabilitation and palliative care | 2 months |
Other in-hospital treatment | 2 months |
Accidents and ambulance services | No waiting period |
No matter what level of health insurance you get, there are certain things that won't be covered. They include the following:
Australia has a great public healthcare system, but when it comes to elective surgery, there are good reasons to get private health insurance.
Find out how much a colonoscopy costs in Australia and how you can avoid paying heaps.
Find out spinal fusion costs, waiting times, out-of-pocket expenses and more.
You've lost a lot of weight. Lose the extra skin with excess skin removal and reveal the shape you've built underneath.
Gold hospital insurance is the most comprehensive hospital cover that money can buy – starting from around $53 per week.
We break down the cost of cataract surgery in Australia for those with and without insurance.
Find out what health insurance tiers mean and how much you’ll pay.
Accessing treatment from one of your health fund’s preferred providers can help you save money but can also limit your health care choices. Find out more here.
How much does it cost to have an MRI and how much of that expense is covered by Medicare and private health insurance? Find out here.
Health insurance for weight loss surgery starts at around $62 a week with gold-tier hospital policies. It comes with a 12-month waiting period, so it's worth getting sooner rather than later.