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BOQ Specialist Platinum Credit Card

  • Amy Bradney-George's headshot
BOQ Specialist Platinum Credit Card
Terms and conditions apply
Balance transfer rate with no balance transfer fee
20.5% p.a.
Purchase rate
20.5% p.a.
Reward points per $ spent
Annual fee
$150 p.a.

Our verdict

Offers a choice of Qantas Points or Velocity Points per $1 spent but is only available to people working in select fields – including doctors, dentists and vets.

The BOQ Specialist Platinum Visa is a frequent flyer credit card available exclusively to doctors, dentists, vets and students or graduates in these fields. It offers 0.5 Qantas Points or Velocity Points per $1 on eligible spending in Australia up to 5,000 points per statement period, then 0.25 points per $1 for the rest of that statement period. It also offers 1 point per $1 spent overseas. While you can find Qantas Frequent Flyer credit cards with higher earn rates, they often have higher annual fees compared to the BOQ Specialist Platinum's $150 p.a. cost.


  • Earn up to 1 point per $1 on overseas purchases and 0.5/$1 on domestic purchases
  • Complimentary travel insurance, concierge and Front Line Access
  • Up to 9 additional cardholders at no extra cost


  • Charges a 3.2% transaction fee for purchases made overseas or online in a foreign currency.
  • Points cap of 5,000 per month before the lower 0.25/$1 earn rate kicks in is relatively low

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The BOQ Specialist Platinum Credit Card offers worldwide acceptance through the Visa card network and can be added to Apple Pay or Google Pay. If you choose to earn Qantas Points, it also offers complimentary Qantas Frequent Flyer membership, saving you $99.50 on the standard joining fee. But its 20.5% p.a. purchase rate means you’ll typically get more value from it if you pay the total account balance in full each month to make use of interest-free days on purchases.


Product details

Product Name BOQ Specialist Platinum Credit Card
Balance transfer rate p.a. 20.5%
Purchase rate p.a. Purchase rate p.a.20.5%
Interest-free days
Up to 55 days on purchases
Cash advance rate p.a. 20.5%
Min credit limit $6,000
Card type Visa


Available to temporary residents No
Minimum income $60,000
Joint application No


Rewards program Qantas / Velocity Frequent Flyer
Bonus points N/A
Rewards points per $ spent 0.5
Rewards points cap 5,000


Annual fee
Annual fee
Minimum monthly repayment 2% of the closing balance or $20, whichever is greater
Late payment fee $0
Foreign currency conversion fee
Foreign currency conversion fee
Overseas ATM withdrawal fee $0
Additional cardholder fee $0
Number of additional cardholders 9

How to apply

You can apply for the BOQ Specialist Platinum Credit Card online through a secure application form on the BOQ Specialist website. To get started, check that you meet the eligibility criteria and have all the details and documents needed for the application.

Eligibility criteria

  • Minimum income. You must earn at least $60,000 per year.
  • Profession. You can apply for this card if you work in a medical, dental or veterinary profession, are studying in one of these fields or if you are a qualified accountant.

Card benefits

  • Frequent flyer points per $1 spent. The BOQ Specialist Platinum earns 0.5 Qantas Points or Velocity Points per $1 on eligible purchases in Australia up to 5,000 points per statement period, then 0.25 points per $1 for the rest of that statement period. It also earns 1 Qantas Point per $1 on eligible international spending. Eligible spending covers most everyday purchases but excludes transactions such as cash advances, balance transfers, BPAY payments, account fees, payments to the ATO and other government transactions.
  • Complimentary travel insurance. This card gives you access to domestic and overseas travel insurance for you and eligible family members when you meet the requirements. For domestic travel, this includes using the card to pay for at least $500 of domestic accommodation or the full cost of a return domestic flight. And for international travel, it includes paying for the entire return ticket with your card. As with any insurance, make sure you read the policy document available through the BOQ Specialist website for full details.

Rates & fees

  • Annual fee. The BOQ Specialist Platinum Credit Card has an annual fee of $150 p.a. Make sure you consider this cost when weighing up the potential value you'll get from points and perks.
  • Purchase interest rate. The 20.5% p.a. purchase rate on this card is similar to the interest rates on other frequent flyer credit cards. But it will quickly add up if you carry a balance. So, if you're planning to pay off purchases over a few months, you may want to compare low rate options as well.

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January 18, 2016

How do I roughly work out how much interest I would pay if I transferred $600 from my credit card into another account & paid it back within 3 weeks? Thanks


Debbie Finder

January 22, 2016

Hi Lauren,

Thanks for your inquiry.

There is currently no balance transfer offer for BOQ Specialist Platinum Credit Card. You may need to contact BOQ Specialist directly to verify if they can accept balance transfer for a short term such as 3 weeks.

You may also find a comparison of balance transfer credit cards that offer 0% interest to see how much you could save on interest with each offer. Please ensure to read through the relevant product disclosure statement and terms and conditions of the credit card to ensure that you got everything covered before you apply.

I hope this helps.



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