ALDI, Woolworths and Coles don't just have price wars over veggies, cheese and chips.
They also sell mobile plans that differ slightly in value based on price, data and additional features such as discounted groceries.
Here's a quick snapshot of how each stacks up against the other before we compare the providers in more detail.
Woolworths Everyday Mobile
Coles Mobile
Telstra wholesale
Telstra wholesale
Prices from
Long expiry plans
5G access
Yes, selected plans
Yes, selected plans
Supermarket discount
Yes, current promotion
Network coverage: ALDI vs Woolworths vs Coles
The type of network coverage you have will ensure a good connection at home or outside. You'll want quality coverage to make and receive calls, browse the internet, stream videos and send texts.
ALDImobile and Everyday Mobile are on par with each other regarding network coverage, while Coles Mobile sits a little behind the pack.
ALDImobile network coverage
ALDImobile has access to Telstra's wholesale network which reaches 98.8% of the Australian population. For comparison, the full Telstra 4G network services 99.5% of the population.
People in some rural or regional areas may feel the difference between Telstra's wholesale network and its full coverage.
With ALDImobile, you can access Telstra's 5G network on its family plans and most of its 30-day plans (not available on the 10GB and 22GB plans).
Woolworths Everyday Mobile coverage
There's no difference between ALDImobile and Everyday Mobile's network coverage. They both have access to Telstra's wholesale network.
Everyday Mobile also offers access to Telstra 5G, but only on its SIM only plans and not its prepaid range.
Coles Mobile
Coles Mobile runs on the Optus network, which reaches 98.5% of the Australian population. Optus network coverage via a small provider is the same as coverage from Optus itself.
Coles Mobile doesn't offer 5G on its plans. ALDI or Woolies will suit you better if you have a 5G-compatible smartphone and want additional coverage for faster speeds.
"Coles and Woolies offers are pretty neck and neck so it largely comes down to where you shop. Woolworths has a slightly longer expiry on prepaid plans and the advantage of Telstra's network coverage, but largely they're very much same-same. I shop at Woolies since it's my local and that made the decision for me. I like both the Woolworths Rewards app and the Everyday Mobile app on Android too, which is a nice feature. "
Kelly Vieira
Finder crew member
Plans and prices: ALDI vs Woolworths vs Coles
Besides coverage, price and data allowances are the 2 of the main factors that will sway your decision to buy a mobile plan.
ALDImobile plans
ALDImobile has a wide selection of 30-day prepaid plans to suit various budgets. Prices start from $19 for 10GB and go up to $59 for 175GB.
The average cost per GB across its prepaid plans is $0.53. It's much lower than our benchmark of $1 per GB, meaning the plans are generally good value for your money.
ALDI also sells a PAYG plan, a 100-day plan and a range of family mobile plans. Out of all 3 providers, it's the only one to offer family plans.
With these family plans, you can share usage between 2, 4 or 6 family members.
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Everyday Mobile offers something for everyone. Medium to high data users will benefit from any of its 3 SIM only plans, with prices starting at $40 a month for 55GB.
All of the SIM only plans stack up well against our benchmark of $1 per GB.
Everyday Mobile takes this value further by offering 10% off each month on the price of its SIM only plans for Everyday Rewards members. So instead of paying $40 a month, you'd pay $36 for as long as you stay connected.
Besides SIM only, Everyday Mobile also has 3 prepaid plans with a 30-day expiry. Prices start at $25 a month for 22GB. The average cost per GB for all 3 plans is $0.94. It's still below our benchmark but not as good as ALDImobile's cost per GB for its prepaid plans.
Where Everyday Mobile shines is its 6- to 12-month long expiry prepaid plans. It'll suit people who want around 10–16GB of data per month. The cost works out to be under $20 a month.
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Coles Mobile offers 2 month-to-month plans: $35 for 45GB and $45 for 70GB. Both stack up well against our $1 per GB benchmark.
It also has 2 prepaid plans with 28-day expiries that are mostly on par with what other providers offer for similar data allowances and price points ($25 for 22GB or $30 for 32GB).
The main caveat is with 28-day expiry periods, you'll end up paying 13 bills over the year instead of 12.
As with Woolworths, the cheapest way to sign up with Coles Mobile is through its 365-day long expiry plans which will cost you less over time. You can choose between $195 for 140GB or $240 for 210GB.
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Unlimited data rollover: This is a handy feature to have if you don't want your unused data to go to waste. There's also no cap as to how much data you can bank for future use. ALDI is one of the few mobile providers with unlimited rollover.
International calls: You can make unlimited calls and send unlimited texts to 20 selected countries across the majority of its plans.
Wi-Fi calling and VoLTE: ALDImobile supports both of these features. Wi-FI calling allows you to make calls using your home internet connection. VoLTE allows compatible handsets to make calls over the 4G network.
International roaming: You can turn on international roaming in selected countries. There aren't any packs that you can add on. Instead, you'll be charged pay-as-you-go rates.
Woolworths Everyday Mobile features
Discount on groceries: Everyday Rewards members can claim 10% off (up to $50) each month.
Data sharing: You have the option to share or gift up to 50% of your data allowance per recharge or usage period. However, a few exclusions apply. For example, you can't gift data from bonus data offers or data add-ons that have been purchased and data that has been already gifted to you.
Wi-Fi calling and VoLTE: Everyday Mobile supports both of these features.
International roaming: You can enable this in 50+ selected countries. Depending on where you're travelling to, you'll be able to switch on either a 1-day roaming add-on and/or a 5- or 10-day add-on. Prices start at $7 per day for 150MB of data, 30 minutes of calls and 30 SMS.
eSIM: Instead of a physical SIM card, Everyday Mobile allows you to sign up almost instantly with an eSIM as long as you have a compatible smartphone.
Coles Mobile features
Discount on groceries: You can get a bonus gift card worth 10% (or up to $30) of your largest single shop at Coles on its subscription plans. This is a limited-time offer and ends on 30 April 2024.
Data rollover: Coles Mobile allows data banking up to 500GB on its month-to-month plans and up to 50GB across all its prepaid plans.
Wi-Fi calling and VoLTE: Coles Mobile supports both of these features.
International calls: You can make unlimited calls and send unlimited texts to 15 countries on its prepaid plans and 22 countries on its month-to-month plans.
International roaming: You can enable this for $25 per 30 days. All usage is charged on a pay-as-you-go rate. Any unused credits will roll over if you recharge before expiry.
ALDImobile vs Woolworths Everyday Mobile vs Coles Mobile: Which is better?
There's no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to mobile plans. It depends on your budget, how much data you need and what features you're after.
Having said that, each of the supermarket giants have their individual strengths.
Everyday Mobile is a solid option if you do your groceries at Woolworths. The discount you get on your groceries (up to $50) can essentially cover the cost of your monthly Woolies mobile plan (depending on which plan you sign up to).
ALDImobile stands out for families that want to bundle their services. It also wins for offering unlimited data banking and unlimited international calls to 20 countries across the majority of its plans. Those looking for a PAYG mobile plan will also enjoy ALDI for its $5 deal.
Coles Mobile sits somewhere in the middle. It's a good option if you want access to the Optus network at a decent price point. However, its features aren't as strong compared with the other 2 supermarket giants.
Mariam Gabaji is an editor and tech and utilities expert at Finder with 12+ years of experience as a journalist. She's committed to helping households cut through the industry jargon and save money on their bills. Her expertise is often featured in media including the ABC, Yahoo Finance, 9News, 7News, A Current Affair, The Guardian, SBS and Money Magazine. See full bio
Mariam's expertise
Mariam has written 274 Finder guides across topics including:
I want to upgrade my Samsung galaxy S10 but I want a phone and plan package. I use Everyday Mobile but they don’t sell phones anymore. Can you suggest a phone and plan package with minimum data required .
MariamMarch 26, 2024Finder
Hi Nanc, unfortunately you can now only get a phone on a plan from Telstra, Optus or Vodafone.
I want to upgrade my Samsung galaxy S10 but I want a phone and plan package. I use Everyday Mobile but they don’t sell phones anymore. Can you suggest a phone and plan package with minimum data required
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I want to upgrade my Samsung galaxy S10 but I want a phone and plan package. I use Everyday Mobile but they don’t sell phones anymore. Can you suggest a phone and plan package with minimum data required .
Hi Nanc, unfortunately you can now only get a phone on a plan from Telstra, Optus or Vodafone.
You can check out our guide to see if any of the deals peak your interest. Alternatively, you can head to the provider’s website directly for more options. Hope this helps!
I want to upgrade my Samsung galaxy S10 but I want a phone and plan package. I use Everyday Mobile but they don’t sell phones anymore. Can you suggest a phone and plan package with minimum data required
Hi Nanc, if you’re looking to get a new phone on a plan, your options are limited to Telstra, Optus and Vodafone. You can compare Samsung phone plans here: and iPhone plans here: Hope this helps.