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Bankwest Zero Classic Mastercard
Terms and conditions apply
Balance transfer rate for 6 months with 3% balance transfer fee
0% p.a.
Purchase rate for the first 6 months (reverts to 18.99%)
0% p.a.
Annual fee
$0 p.a.
Interest-free on purchases
Up to 55 days

Our verdict

This no annual fee credit card offers 0% p.a. on purchases and balance transfers for 6 months, but there's a 3% balance transfer fee.

The Bankwest Zero Classic Mastercard is a simple credit card with a $0 annual fee that can help you save on credit card costs. If you’re paying off your current card and want to switch to this one, the 0% p.a. balance transfer rate for 6 months also helps you save on interest charges, as long as you're prepared to pay the 3% balance transfer fee. As an example, if you transferred a $5,000 balance, you would be charged a $150 balance transfer fee.


  • $0 annual fee for the life of the card
  • 0% p.a. on purchases for 6 months
  • 0% p.a. on balance transfers for 6 months


  • Charges a 2.95% foreign transaction fee
  • Charges a 3% BT fee

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The Bankwest Zero Classic Mastercard has straightforward features and includes an introductory purchase and balance transfer rate of 0% p.a. for the first 6 months. Keep in mind that this is one of the shortest balance transfer offers on the market and also has a 3% balance transfer fee. Its other features are relatively basic and suited to people who want simple access to credit without an annual fee.


Product details

Product Name Bankwest Zero Classic Mastercard
Balance transfer rate p.a. 0% for 6 months with 3% balance transfer fee, then 18.99%
Balance transfer limit 95% of available limit
Intro purchase rate
Intro purchase rate
0% for 6 months, then 18.99%
Interest-free days
Up to 55 days on purchases
Cash advance rate p.a. 21.99%
Min credit limit $1,000
Card type Mastercard


Available to temporary residents No
Joint application No


Bonus points N/A


Annual fee
Annual fee
Minimum monthly repayment 2% of the closing balance or $20, whichever is greater
Late payment fee $25
Foreign currency conversion fee
Foreign currency conversion fee
Cash advance fee 3% or $4, whichever is greater
Overseas cash advance fee 3% or $4, whichever is greater
Overseas ATM withdrawal fee $4
Additional cardholder fee $0
Number of additional cardholders 3

How to apply

If you've compared credit cards and decided on the Bankwest Zero Classic Mastercard, you can apply online in around 15 minutes. Before you get started, make sure you meet the eligibility requirements and have all the relevant documents and details ready to go.

Eligibility criteria

  • New customer. Bankwest only allows customers to have 1 Zero Mastercard in their name. So if you already have a Bankwest Zero Classic or Bankwest Zero Platinum, you may want to look at other no annual fee cards or call Bankwest on 13 17 19 to talk through your options.
  • Eligible balance transfer debt(s). If you're planning to transfer a balance to the Zero Classic Mastercard, Bankwest allows you to transfer from $500 up to 95% of your credit limit from non-Bankwest cards issued in Australia.

Card benefits

  • $0 annual fee. The Bankwest Zero Classic Mastercard doesn't charge an annual fee. In comparison, other personal credit cards in Australia have annual fees that range from $25 to $500 (or more).
  • 0% purchase rate offer. You'll pay 0% interest on new purchases for the first 6 months you have this card. After that, a purchase rate of 18.99% p.a. applies to your purchase balance.

Rates & fees

  • Purchase rate. Outside of any promotions, this card has an 18.99% p.a. interest rate for purchases, which is competitive for a no annual fee credit card.
  • Interest-free days. If you pay the required closing balance listed in your statement by the due date, you'll get up to 55 interest-free days on purchases made with this card.

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August 29, 2023

I applied for a balance transfer and rejected. I’ve 94% credit rating from your score. Not sure if I put income and expenses figures in wrong as can’t go back and check once submitted. Could it have possibly be as I entered that I would keep the credit card I’m transferring off? I’m happy to close it if that’s the case. I just get it free with home loan and had to put card repairs on credit card.

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Amy Bradney-George Finder

September 01, 2023

Hi Renae,

It can be hard to tell why a credit card application is declined, as there are many factors to consider – Finder has a whole guide on declined credit card applications. You may want to call Bankwest on 13 17 19 to discuss your application in further detail. I hope this helps.

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June 19, 2023

Can Citibank RediCredit balances be transferred to the Breeze card via the balance transfer deal?


Amy Bradney-George Finder

June 20, 2023

Hi BR,

Only non-Bankwest-branded credit cards can be balance transferred with this offer and unfortunately Citi Redi Credit is typically considered a personal loan product (as per the Citi website). But you could contact Bankwest on 13 17 19 to discuss your options. I hope this helps.



January 16, 2015

I am so sorry about this I was redirected to this site was not knowing that this is not a Bankwest site.


Jonathan Finder

January 18, 2015

Hi Richard,

Thanks for your inquiry,

We are an online comparison service and are not directly affiliated with Bankwest. If you are after the Bankwest site a ‘Go to Site’ option is available on the right hand side of the page.

I hope this helps!



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January 16, 2015

Can you please let me know where is the branch that I can go to? I have made a effort to call the number to change my current credit card to a no fee credit card. after verifying all security question that I was redirected to someone else for further questions and inform me that I have to go to a branch to verify myself…

If you can accept on line applications without seeing the customers why do you need to see me after 13 years to verify myself to you?? I can not even close my account over the phone?? be charging the annual fees?

Further more where is a branch anyhow?? I am living in Brisbane??

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Elizabeth Barry Finder

January 16, 2015

Hi Richard,

Thanks for your question.

You’ve come through to, as a comparison service we can’t really comment on Bankwest’s requirements for cancelling a credit card/swapping your credit card accounts. I’ve emailed you a link where you can find your nearest branch.

I hope this will help.



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February 27, 2014

Are there any fees for withdrawing cash in Australia and overseas?


Jacob Joseph Finder

February 27, 2014

Hi, Jim.

Bankwest do not currently charge a overseas ATM fee for balance checks and cash withdrawals. Local ATM operator fees will still apply. You may also be charged a cash advance fee is you’re drawing from your available credit.

Thanks for your question.

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