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These days many health funds give you health insurance rewards when you take out a policy with them. This can include frequent flyer points, discounts on gym memberships, health management courses and money off retail. We've listed some of the perks currently available below (September 2021).
Response | Female | Male |
The fund is trusted | 36.59% | 36.04% |
The fund is not-for-profit | 14.37% | 18.54% |
The fund is recommended by my friends or family | 13.79% | 11.67% |
The fund has good online reviews | 11.69% | 13.54% |
The fund is popular | 4.6% | 8.54% |
None of the above | 4.02% | 7.29% |
The fund gives me reward points (e.g. Qantas, Frequent Flyer etc) | 4.6% | 6.04% |
The fund is good for the environment | 4.79% | 5.42% |
The fund is restricted to my industry (e.g. teachers, defence etc) | 2.68% | 3.13% |
Why compare health insurance with Finder?
We don't ask for your phone or email to see prices.
With 1 click, you can open your results to nearly every fund in Australia.
You pay the same price as going direct – we charge no fees.
Why compare with us
What is the LHC loading, the MLS and the Private Health Rebate? These terms could make the difference between whether or not you can afford your private health premiums in the future.
ahm offers a broad range of policies with affordable premiums, but if you’re looking for the lowest price possible, cheaper options are available.
With reasonable prices and strong benefits, several Medibank policies were highly commended in the 2024 Finder Health Insurance Awards.
Our experts compared 30+ funds and analysed hundreds of policies to help you find the best health insurance.
Get affordable cover for ambulance transport if you are not already covered under Medicare. Compare quotes from Australian funds to decide which level of protection is best for you.
Mental health issues are serious and can be costly, which is why Australian health funds are legally obligated to offer cover for treatment.
What does private health insurance typically cost? Our comprehensive guide will tell you.
Benefits of selecting a restricted health fund as your health insurance provider.
Find out about the latest health insurance deals and special promotions.
Learn how to get cheap health insurance and what you can expect for your money.