If you have excess funds in your self-managed super fund (SMSF) but still want access to your savings, the SuperEdge Saver Account provides a convenient solution. Once you link it to your SMSF's bank account, you are free to transfer money in and out whenever you need. This allows you to keep your money close at hand, while still benefiting from the higher interest paid by the Saver account.
AMP SuperEdge Saver Account
- Maximum variable rate
- 4.65% p.a.
- Base interest rate
- 3.20% p.a.
- Minimum deposit
- $0
Our verdict
Earn a competitive introductory bonus rate on your SMSF savings with an AMP SuperEdge Saver Account.
You need to link an AMP SuperEdge Cash Account to this account (or other transaction account held by your SMSF), otherwise you won't be able access your balance. You can open an AMP SuperEdge Cash Account at the same time in the one application.
High ongoing variable rate
24/7 access to your money
$0 monthly fees
Only new customers who haven't held an account are eligible for the bonus rate
Key details
Product Name | AMP SuperEdge Saver Account |
Maximum Variable Rate | 4.65% p.a. |
Standard Variable Rate | 3.20% p.a. |
Monthly Account Fee | $0 |
Minimum Opening Deposit | $0 |
Minimum Age | 18 |
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Alison Finder
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Alison Banney Finder
December 02, 2022
Hi Robin,
This account offers a bonus rate for the first 6 months, then drops to the standard variable base rate. Your interest rate may depend on your balance size. You can learn more about the interest rates for this account on AMP’s site.
April 26, 2022
Is there a cap for the deposit?
Alison Banney Finder
May 12, 2022
Hi Suzanne,
The maximum ongoing balance per customer name for the AMP SuperEdge Saver is $5 million.
October 22, 2021
Is this account Australian Bank Guaranteed?
Alison Banney Finder
October 26, 2021
Hi Marie,
Generally, the government guarantee covers most deposit accounts which include AMP. This means your deposit of up to $250,000 is protected.
The complete list of covered banks can be found on APRA’s website.
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May 07, 2019
Please send me application forms and requirements to set up an SMSF account. Do you need certified copies of documents to prove SMSF set up? Can I contact someone to talk to? If so, a number, please. Does the AMP account include a deposit book for cheques that come in the mail?
Nikki Angco
May 08, 2019
Hi Rob,
Thanks for getting in touch with Finder! The AMP SuperEdge Saver Account has a deposit book for cheques. To apply for this account, you must be an existing customer with an AMP SuperEdge Cash Account. To know the requirements and to get the application forms in setting up your SMSF account, simply visit the AMP website to get started. You can download the application on their site or you can get in touch with them by contacting an AMP financial adviser. You can find their contact details on the site as well.
Hope this helps!
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August 16, 2016
The published interest rate for AMP SuperEdger Saver Account of 3.15% p.a is incorrect. I rang AMP and they said it is 2.05%. Can you confirm that your published rate is wrong?
Clarizza Fernandez Finder
August 16, 2016
Hi Dean,
Thanks for your comment and for flagging this.
Yes, the current rate is 2.05% p.a for this account. Apologies, this has now been updated.
November 28, 2022
I have a SuperEdge Saver account, at present with a total bonus rate of 1.55%. I opened the account on 1Jul22.
I have just be told that, at the end of my ‘bonus period’, I will not revert to the published Base Interest Rate (Standard Interest Rate). Is that correct? I am amazed that the base rate rate does not apply to existing customers!
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