Moving house can be a stressful time and making sure that all the essential utilities are ready when you move can sometimes be overlooked. We've put this guide together to help simplify your moving process.
Moving house checklist

Give your old provider notice
Let your current provider know as soon as possible when you're moving. If you're switching providers, settle any outstanding accounts.

Compare and sign up to a plan
Moving house can be a good time to switch to a better power deal. Let your provider know the date you're moving so you'll have power when you arrive.

Do your meter readings
Get a meter reading from your existing house when you leave and at the new address when you arrive. This way you won't be charged for power you haven't used.

Ensure your old plan is cancelled or transferred
Double-check that you're no longer paying for energy that you aren't using.
Download a printable PDF of the checklist to help you organise your move
Here's what to consider when transferring your utilities
Your energy plan
- Give lots of notice. You'll have the smoothest transition when your energy provider knows at least a week before you move. This ensures they can have your power and gas disconnected right after you leave and connected at your new place in time for your arrival.
- Meter access. Check that your electricity and gas meters are easily accessible. Take a reading when you move in to compare to your first month's bill and make sure everything is accurate
- Disconnection and reconnection fees. You'll have to pay a fee for disconnecting your old place and connecting power to your new home.
- Provider switch. Consider whether changing to a new provider will get you a better deal.
- Exit fees. If you're moving and changing providers, you may be subject to heavy exit fees if you're on certain contracts.
Your internet and phone
- Check your new address's connection. Check that your new address has a broadband/NBN connection that is similar to your current address. It's important to double-check the specific type of connection you can get as you may be limited to slower broadband speeds than you're used to.
- Are you on a contract? If you signed up to your current Internet service on a long-term contract that hasn't ended, you will likely have to pay a relocation or cancellation charge as part of the moving process. However, if you stick with your current provider, relocating your existing service can cost as little as nothing at all depending on your provider. Check with your provider to find out how much relocating will cost you.
- Will you be moving again? If you tend to be a short-term renter, you might want to look at signing up for a month-to-month contract. With month-to-month contracts, you can cancel at any time and not suffer any termination or relocation charges.
- Consider bundling your energy and internet. Some brands offer cash if you bundle your energy with an internet plan. Read more about bundling your energy and internet in our guide here.

Finder survey: What's most likely to make Australians compare energy plans?
Response | |
Price change notice | 40.44% |
Budgeting/saving money | 36.33% |
Moving house | 13.62% |
I don't/wouldn't compare | 7.69% |
Other | 1.92% |
What do I need to consider when moving to a new property?
Is a smart meter installed?
Smart meters are handy, so if there's one already set up at the property, you can take advantage of plans and features that rely on them. If a smart meter is not installed, don't worry about it. You should never have to pay for smart meter installation – that will be dealt with by the owner.
What if the property has solar panels?
This may involve having a discussion with the owner. When you pick an energy plan, there will likely be some solar feed-in tariffs for excess energy returned to the power grid. The owner may decide that they want control over these, so sort it out before moving in.
How much notice do I need to give to my provider?
Generally, a provider will only need 5 days or so to get everything set up. However, you should inform your provider (both new and old, if you're switching) of the date that you're moving as soon as you know. This will ensure that everything transitions over smoothly.
Should I switch providers when I move house?
Since you're already disconnecting your electricity, gas and Internet, it could be the perfect opportunity to find a plan with conditions more suited to your new situation and with a great sign up deal.
As long as you're not locked into a contract with an exit fee, switching providers should be free. You could switch for one of the following reasons:

Lower environmental impact
A different provider might burn fewer fossil fuels, provide carbon offsets or let you source more of your power from renewables. It might offer great incentives for solar, letting you switch to green energy more easily at your new home.

Save on bills
It's important to compare different plans to see if there is a cheaper or better option available.

Get better customer service
Some retailers are more responsive and reliable when it comes to customer feedback. If you're unhappy with your provider's service, consider switching.

Gain flexibility
Signing up for a new plan that's month to month with no lock-in contract or exit fees means you can change your mind more easily in the future or move again if you have to.
If you've done the above then you are good to go.
Find the right energy provider for you
Learn more about energy
Our energy guides can help you compare and understand what plan is best for you.

Best energy plans: 5 plans selected by our experts, assessed and updated regularly

Cheap energy plans: Find the cheapest energy plans available this month

Solar power plans: Got rooftop solar? Compare your options and save even more

Average energy bill: Find out how your energy bill compares to the rest of Australia
Frequently asked questions
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