AGL vs EnergyAustralia

AGL and EnergyAustralia are closely matched on price but AGL fares slightly better for additional perks such as bundling offers.

AGL and EnergyAustralia 1800x1000

Our verdict

AGL and EnergyAustralia are two of the largest energy providers in the country with a fair few similarities but AGL might have an edge if you care for sign-up deals and extra perks.

Plans and prices
We break down the details in our comparison table below, but the quick rundown is AGL and EnergyAustralia's cheapest electricity plans are on par for price.

Their cheapest gas plans are closely matched too though EnergyAustralia fares slightly better. However, AGL has a sign-up deal this month to sweeten the pot.

It also has a slightly more expensive plan with Netflix included (ad-tier subscription) while EnergyAustralia has a plan that offers fixed rates, meaning your prices won't change for 12 months.

Extra perks
EnergyAustralia is lacking in the additional perks department.

AGL, meanwhile, offers bundling discounts for mobile and internet if you prefer going with one provider for all your utilities.

It also has a rewards store that you can use to access retail discounts.

AGL vs EnergyAustralia – Side-by-side comparison

We've compared AGL and EnergyAustralia on everything from pricing and sign-up deals to perks and customer support options.

agl logooriginal logo
Electricity availabilityNSW, VIC, QLD, SANSW, VIC, QLD, SA, ACT
Gas availabilityNSW, VIC, QLD, SA, WANSW, VIC, SA, ACT
Sign-up dealsUp to $100 electricity sign-up credit in NSW, VIC, SA and QLD and up to $150 credit for electricity and gas on seniors' plansNo sign-up deals this month

Electricity: Similar pricing where both AGL and EnergyAustralia offer electricity plans

Gas: Not a massive difference though AGL comes out up top SA

Electricity: Similar pricing where both EnergyAustralia and AGL offer electricity plans

Gas: Pricing is closely matched though EnergyAustralia fares slightly better in NSW and VIC

Billing optionsMonthly and quarterly billing availableQuarterly billing only but you can set up 'Regular Pay' when you've been with EnergyAustralia for at least 6 months
Mobile app to track energy usageYesYes
Energy, internet and mobile bundlesYesNo
Rewards and other perks

AGL Rewards for exclusive discounts and offers

Electricity plan with Netflix (ad-tier subscription)

Peak Energy Rewards program to earn bill credit by shifting your home energy use

Electrify Now tool for a personalised estimate of energy bill and/or carbon savings when you take steps to electrify your home

Customer supportPhone support and live chat available via website or app. AGL was a loved brand in Finder's 2024 Customer Satisfaction Awards for electricity (national)Phone support and live chat available. You can also message the team via Facebook
Sustainability optionsOption to add on GreenPower. AGL will ensure renewable electricity equal to 20% or 100% of your household consumption electricity is fed into the gridAlso lets you add on GreenPower equal to 10%, 20% or 100% of your household energy consumption
SolarSolar energy plans available with higher feed-in tariffs than regular electricity plans. Option to buy solar batteries or solar battery bundlesAlso offers solar energy plans with higher feed-in tariffs. Can help you install solar panels or home batteries (or both via a bundle offer)
Electric VehiclesEV energy plans available including options to buy an EV chargerNo EV energy plans available

*Our price comparison uses the electricity and gas tables below, based on average household rates for a specific postcode. Check with AGL or EnergyAustralia directly for an estimate for your address.

Get a snapshot of AGL vs EnergyAustralia prices

AGL vs EnergyAustralia electricity plans

Name Plan features Reference price Typical annual cost
EnergyAustralia - Flexi Plan
Basic Plan Information | (ENE379607MRE33@EME)
EnergyAustralia logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Reference price
15% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
View details
AGL - Residential Value Saver
Basic Plan Information | (AGL698042MRE16@EME)
AGL logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Reference price
10% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Go to siteView details
AGL - Residential Seniors Saver
Basic Plan Information | (AGL710804MRE14@EME)
AGL logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Reference price
10% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Go to siteView details
AGL - Residential Netflix Plan
Basic Plan Information | (AGL686232MRE19@EME)
AGL logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Reference price
8% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Go to siteView details
EnergyAustralia - Rate Fix
Basic Plan Information | (ENE681359MRE6@EME)
EnergyAustralia logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Reference price
6% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
View details
Showing 5 of 6 results
The annual estimated electricity prices are based on a residential customer on the Ausgrid network who consumes 3,900kWh yearly on a single rate tariff. Your actual bill may vary depending on your consumption.
Name Plan features Reference price Typical annual cost
AGL - Residential Seniors Saver
Energy Fact Sheet | (AGD622890MR@VEC)
AGL logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Reference price
15% less than
Victorian Default Offer
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Go to siteView details
AGL - Residential Value Saver
Energy Fact Sheet | (AGD622899MR@VEC)
AGL logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Reference price
15% less than
Victorian Default Offer
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Go to siteView details
AGL - Residential Netflix Plan
Energy Fact Sheet | (AGD623002MR@VEC)
AGL logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Reference price
13% less than
Victorian Default Offer
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Go to siteView details
EnergyAustralia - Flexi Plan
Energy Fact Sheet | (TRU629392MR@VEC)
EnergyAustralia logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Reference price
11% less than
Victorian Default Offer
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
View details
EnergyAustralia - Rate Fix
Energy Fact Sheet | (TRU629376MR@VEC)
EnergyAustralia logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Reference price
8% less than
Victorian Default Offer
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
View details
Showing 5 of 6 results
The annual estimated electricity prices are based on a residential customer on the Citipower network who consumes 4000kWh yearly on a single rate tariff. Your actual bill may vary depending on your consumption.
Name Plan features Reference price Typical annual cost
AGL - Residential Value Saver
Basic Plan Information | (AGL698027MRE12@EME)
AGL logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Reference price
9% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Go to siteView details
AGL - Residential Seniors Saver
Basic Plan Information | (AGL360479MRE30@EME)
AGL logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Reference price
9% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Go to siteView details
AGL - Residential Netflix Plan
Basic Plan Information | (AGL686221MRE14@EME)
AGL logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Reference price
8% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Go to siteView details
EnergyAustralia - Flexi Plan
Basic Plan Information | (ENE379814MRE21@EME)
EnergyAustralia logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Reference price
4% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
View details
EnergyAustralia - Rate Fix
Basic Plan Information | (ENE681805MRE8@EME)
EnergyAustralia logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Reference price
2% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
View details
Showing 5 of 6 results
The annual estimated electricity prices are based on a residential customer on the Energex network who consumes 4,600kWh yearly on a single rate tariff. Your actual bill may vary depending on your consumption.
Name Plan features Reference price Typical annual cost
AGL - Residential Value Saver
Basic Plan Information | (AGL827770MRE3@EME)
AGL logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Reference price
9% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Go to siteView details
AGL - Residential Seniors Saver
Basic Plan Information | (AGL360507MRE29@EME)
AGL logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Reference price
9% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Go to siteView details
AGL - Residential Netflix Plan
Basic Plan Information | (AGL686234MRE16@EME)
AGL logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Reference price
8% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Go to siteView details
EnergyAustralia - Flexi Plan
Basic Plan Information | (ENE379843MRE19@EME)
EnergyAustralia logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Reference price
6% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
View details
EnergyAustralia - Rate Fix
Basic Plan Information | (ENE681802MRE7@EME)
EnergyAustralia logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Reference price
Same as
the reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
View details
Showing 5 of 6 results
The annual estimated electricity prices are based on a residential customer on the SA Power Network who consumes 4,000kWh yearly on a single rate tariff. Your actual bill may vary depending on your consumption.
Name Plan features Reference price Typical annual cost
EnergyAustralia - Flexi Plan
Basic Plan Information | (ENE379834MRE21@EME)
EnergyAustralia logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Reference price
6% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
View details
EnergyAustralia - Rate Fix
Basic Plan Information | (ENE681810MRE7@EME)
EnergyAustralia logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Reference price
3% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
View details
EnergyAustralia - Solar Max
Basic Plan Information | (ENE360419MRE21@EME)
EnergyAustralia logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Reference price
Same as
the reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
View details
Showing 3 of 4 results
The annual estimated electricity prices are based on a residential customer on the Evoenergy network who consumes 6,500kWh yearly on a single rate tariff. Your actual bill may vary depending on your consumption.

AGL vs EnergyAustralia gas plans

Name Plan features Charges Typical annual cost
AGL - Residential Value Saver
Basic Plan Information | (AGL359240MRG23@EME)
AGL logo
Single rate tariff
Supply: 63.95c/day
Usage: 2.38 - 4.2c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Go to siteView details
AGL - Residential Seniors Saver
Basic Plan Information | (AGL710787MRG11@EME)
AGL logo
Single rate tariff
Supply: 63.95c/day
Usage: 2.38 - 4.2c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Go to siteView details
EnergyAustralia - Flexi Plan
Basic Plan Information | (ENE379614MRG21@EME)
EnergyAustralia logo
Single rate tariff
Supply: 88.44c/day
Usage: 3.37 - 5.69c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
View details
EnergyAustralia - Rate Fix
Basic Plan Information | (ENE681366MRG4@EME)
EnergyAustralia logo
Single rate tariff
Supply: 88.44c/day
Usage: 3.37 - 5.69c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
View details
EnergyAustralia - Balance Plan
Basic Plan Information | (ENE472283MRG11@EME)
EnergyAustralia logo
Single rate tariff
Supply: 88.44c/day
Usage: 3.37 - 5.69c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
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The annual estimated gas prices are based on a residential customer on the Jemena Coastal Network network who consumes 18542MJ yearly on a single rate tariff. Your actual bill may vary depending on your consumption.
Name Plan features Charges Typical annual cost
EnergyAustralia - Flexi Plan
EnergyAustralia logo
Single rate tariff
Supply: 99.99c/day
Usage: 2.83 - 5.38c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
View details
AGL - Residential Value Saver
Energy Fact Sheet | (AGD626828MR@VEC)
AGL logo
Single rate tariff
Supply: 79.73c/day
Usage: 2.57 - 4c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Go to siteView details
AGL - Residential Seniors Saver
Energy Fact Sheet | (AGD626816MR@VEC)
AGL logo
Single rate tariff
Supply: 79.73c/day
Usage: 2.57 - 4c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Go to siteView details
Showing 3 of 5 results
The annual estimated gas prices are based on a residential customer on the Australian Gas Networks network who consumes 46000MJ yearly on a single rate tariff. Your actual bill may vary depending on your consumption.
Name Plan features Charges Typical annual cost
AGL - Residential Seniors Saver
Basic Plan Information | (AGL360490MRG23@EME)
AGL logo
Single rate tariff
Supply: 123.18c/day
Usage: 3.88c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
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AGL - Residential Value Saver
Basic Plan Information | (AGL547758MRG18@EME)
AGL logo
Single rate tariff
Supply: 123.18c/day
Usage: 3.88c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
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Showing 2 of 2 results
The annual estimated gas prices are based on a residential customer on the Allgas Energy network who consumes 8000MJ yearly on a single rate tariff. Your actual bill may vary depending on your consumption.
Name Plan features Charges Typical annual cost
AGL - Residential Seniors Saver
Basic Plan Information | (AGL360499MRG22@EME)
AGL logo
Single rate tariff
Supply: 90.13c/day
Usage: 2.91 - 5.13c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
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AGL - Residential Value Saver
Basic Plan Information | (AGL827773MRG2@EME)
AGL logo
Single rate tariff
Supply: 90.13c/day
Usage: 2.91 - 5.13c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
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EnergyAustralia - Flexi Plan
Basic Plan Information | (ENE379833MRG20@EME)
EnergyAustralia logo
Single rate tariff
Supply: 101.2c/day
Usage: 3.28 - 7.4c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
View details
Showing 3 of 5 results
The annual estimated gas prices are based on a residential customer on the Australian Gas network who consumes 14000MJ yearly on a single rate tariff. Your actual bill may vary depending on your consumption.
Name Plan features Charges Typical annual cost
EnergyAustralia - Flexi Plan
Basic Plan Information | (ENE379832MRG20@EME)
EnergyAustralia logo
Single rate tariff
Supply: 93.28c/day
Usage: 4.14 - 5.4c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
View details
EnergyAustralia - Rate Fix Plan
Basic Plan Information | (ENE681815MRG4@EME)
EnergyAustralia logo
Single rate tariff
Supply: 93.28c/day
Usage: 4.14 - 5.4c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
View details
EnergyAustralia - Balance Plan
Basic Plan Information | (ENE472330MRG7@EME)
EnergyAustralia logo
Single rate tariff
Supply: 93.28c/day
Usage: 4.14 - 5.4c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
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Showing 3 of 3 results
The annual estimated gas prices are based on a residential customer on the Evoenergy network who consumes 20000MJ yearly on a single rate tariff. Your actual bill may vary depending on your consumption.
Product AUFEG-PRO Details Gas Price (annual estimate) Description
AGL logo

AGL Senior Plus
AGL logo

The annual estimated gas prices are based on a residential customer on the ATCO network who consumes 4015MJ yearly on a single rate tariff. Your actual bill may vary depending on your consumption.

AGL vs EnergyAustralia solar plans

Name Feed-in tariff Reference price Typical annual cost
AGL - Residential Solar Savers
Basic Plan Information | (AGL698023MRE16@EME)
AGL logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Feed-in tariff
up to 10c/kWh
for first 10 kWh per day
then from 5 - 10c/kWh thereafter
Reference price
6% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Go to siteView details
EnergyAustralia - Solar Max
Basic Plan Information | (ENE360342MRE21@EME)
EnergyAustralia logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Feed-in tariff
from 5 - 10c/kWh
Reference price
Same as
the reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
View details
Showing 2 of 2 results
The annual estimated electricity prices are based on a residential customer on the Ausgrid network who consumes 3,900kWh yearly on a single rate tariff. Your actual bill may vary depending on your consumption.
Name Feed-in tariff Reference price Typical annual cost
AGL - Residential Solar Savers
Energy Fact Sheet | (AGD622862MR@VEC)
AGL logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Feed-in tariff
from 3.3c/kWh
Reference price
11% less than
Victorian Default Offer
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Go to siteView details
EnergyAustralia - Solar Max
Energy Fact Sheet | (TRU597424MR@VEC)
EnergyAustralia logo
Single rate tariff
Feed-in tariff
from c/kWh
Reference price
Same as the
Victorian Default Offer
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
View details
Showing 2 of 2 results
The annual estimated electricity prices are based on a residential customer on the Citipower network who consumes 4000kWh yearly on a single rate tariff. Your actual bill may vary depending on your consumption.
Name Feed-in tariff Reference price Typical annual cost
AGL - Residential Solar Savers
Basic Plan Information | (AGL698024MRE13@EME)
AGL logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Feed-in tariff
up to 10c/kWh
for first 10 kWh per day
then from 4 - 10c/kWh thereafter
Reference price
6% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Go to siteView details
EnergyAustralia - Solar Max
Basic Plan Information | (ENE360409MRE21@EME)
EnergyAustralia logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Feed-in tariff
from 4.6 - 10c/kWh
Reference price
1% more
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
View details
Showing 2 of 2 results
The annual estimated electricity prices are based on a residential customer on the Energex network who consumes 4,600kWh yearly on a single rate tariff. Your actual bill may vary depending on your consumption.
Name Feed-in tariff Reference price Typical annual cost
AGL - Residential Solar Savers
Basic Plan Information | (AGL15407MRE43@EME)
AGL logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Feed-in tariff
up to 10c/kWh
for first 10 kWh per day
then from 4 - 10c/kWh thereafter
Reference price
6% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Go to siteView details
EnergyAustralia - Solar Max
Basic Plan Information | (ENE360418MRE22@EME)
EnergyAustralia logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Feed-in tariff
from 4.5 - 10c/kWh
Reference price
1% more
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
View details
Showing 2 of 2 results
The annual estimated electricity prices are based on a residential customer on the SA Power Network who consumes 4,000kWh yearly on a single rate tariff. Your actual bill may vary depending on your consumption.
Name Feed-in tariff Reference price Typical annual cost
EnergyAustralia - Solar Max
Basic Plan Information | (ENE360419MRE21@EME)
EnergyAustralia logo
Single rate tariffFeed in tariff available
Feed-in tariff
from 5 - 10c/kWh
Reference price
Same as
the reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
View details
Showing 1 of 1 results
Mariam Gabaji's headshot
Written by

Utilities Editor & Tech Expert

Mariam Gabaji is a journalist with 13 years of experience, specialising in consumer topics like mobile services and energy costs. Her work appears in the ABC, Yahoo Finance, 9News, The Guardian, SBS, 7News, A Current Affair and Money Magazine. Mariam holds a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and was a finalist for the 2024 IT Journalism Award for Best Telecommunications Journalist. See full bio

Mariam's expertise
Mariam has written 316 Finder guides across topics including:
  • Energy
  • Mobile
  • Broadband
  • Consumer tech

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