JewelCover insurance review

JewelCover offers tailored protection, designed specifically for jewellery, watches, and engagement rings.

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  • JewelCover will waive the excess for you when you make a claim.
  • A 25% extra buffer on your sum insured, in case your jewellery increases in value.
  • Cover for loss, theft, damage and disappearance - at home, out of the house, and overseas.


  • You may get better value insuring your item through your home contents insurance.
  • There’s no cover for general wear and tear, or damage done during restorations.
  • Jewellery insurance focusses on objective value, rather than sentimentality, so if you have a low-value piece which means a lot, you might not be satisfied with the payout.

JewelCover offers similar benefits to other jewellery insurance brands, and its 25% additional cover benefit is the same as Jewelsure. However, there are a number of brands that go beyond this 25% extra benefit, including Q Report, Ringo and Centrestone, who all offer 50%. However, JewelCover does offer a stand-out benefit of no excess on claims.

Product AUFJI Loss and Theft Cover Damage Cover Cover outside of Australia Additional Cover Agreed Value Cover
Jewelcover logo
Qreport logo

How to make a claim with JewelCover

To make a claim with JewelCover, call 0292 340 555 or email If your jewellery is lost or stolen, you'll need to provide a police report and a statutory declaration. JewelCover will then review your documents and work with your jeweller to repair or replace your item.


Nicola Middlemiss's headshot

Nicola Middlemiss is a journalist with nearly a decade of experience in personal finance and insurance. She has contributed to Domain, Yahoo Finance, Money Magazine and Insurance Business Australia, offering in-depth insights into commercial insurance in the Australian market. Nicola holds a Bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Leeds and a Tier 1 General Insurance (General Advice) certification, which complies with ASIC standards. See full bio

Nicola's expertise
Nicola has written 242 Finder guides across topics including:
  • Personal finance
  • Personal insurance, including car, health, home, life, pet and travel insurance
  • Commercial business insurance

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