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Bushfire Statistics Australia

Every bushfire season is different, but there has been a general increase to the severity of the bushfire seasons that Australia experiences.

How worried are Australians about bushfires and floods?

Are you worried about the risk of bushfires or floods this coming summer season?
No, neither52%
Yes, bushfires21%
Yes, both20%
Yes, floods7%

Source: Finder Consumer Sentiment Tracker survey of 1,062 Australians, October 2023

Severity of Australian bushfire seasons over time

Every bushfire season is different, but there has been a general movement upwards in the severity of the bushfire seasons that Australia experiences. The below graphs chart the severity of NSW bushfire seasons over the last 20 years, according to the Annual Reports of the NSW Rural Fire Service. Other states will absolutely have varying levels of severity, and we will update this page over time to reflect that.

Note that some of these graphs end up looking slightly off. This is because the 2019-2020 bushfire seasons was just so much more severe than anything Australia has ever seen before.

Weekly fire alerts in Australia

Australia's bushfire season normally starts around August, and can run all the way through to Autumn, as late as March or April. One way of understanding how bad a given fire season will be is to look at the number of weekly fire alerts. The graph below comes from Global Forest Watch, and tracks this number.

Source: Global Forest Watch: Fires Australia

Black Summer: Australia's 2019-2020 Bushfire season statistics

The 2019-2020 bushfire season was probably the worst in living memory. Unprecedented areas of bush was incinerated, and the smoke from the fires caused air pollution issues as far as South America and Antarctica. Here are some key statistics on the black summer bushfire season.

How many Australians are insured against bushfire?

There are a few insurance products that are useful in protection against bushfire. The main one is home and contents insurance - you can't move you home out of the way, after all! However, car insurance and life insurance are both important products Aussie use to protect themselves.

Home and contents insurance

Home and contents protects exactly what it says on the tin. People that are in bushfire prone areas are likely to need coverage for their biggest asset and their personal belongings. However, not all Australians are as well covered as they should be.

Picture not described

60% have home and contents insurance

Car insurance

Cars can go up in flames just as easily as homes. However, Third Party Property car insurance will not cover fire. Despite that, it's a very commonly held product. People in bushfire prone areas should consider either Third Party Fire and Theft or Comprehensive car insurance.

Life insurance

It might be a bit grim to think about, but life insurance can also be really important for Aussies looking to cover themselves for bushfire. If the worst were to happen, life insurance can pay your debts and leave you family with support.

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