Youi caravan and trailer insurance review

With both temporary accommodation cover and emergency expenses cover of up to $1,000, Youi caravan insurance offers competitive limits for your caravan or trailer.

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A caravan or trailer is more than a house on wheels – it’s a home, as unique as the people who live in it. While most insurers will give you a policy, Youi works out which is the best for you. By going into the details of how you use your home away from home, Youi bases your cover on both your record and use of caravan or trailer.

Our verdict

  • Pick from 3 caravan policies depending on the level of cover you're seeking and how much peace of mind you want.
  • Flood cover is included with Youi's comprehensive policy. This wasn't the case for 7 other brands we looked at.
  • Many comprehensive policies let you choose your own repairer after an accident, but Youi doesn't include this feature as standard.

Review by our travel insurance senior writer James Martin

Compare caravan insurance from Youi

1 - 3 of 3
Product AUFCI-VAN Accidental Damage Flood New Vehicle Replacement Agreed or Market Value Annex cover Choice of Repairer
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*Always read the product disclosure statement (PDS) on the provider page to help you make the right choice.

What cover options does it offer?

Youi offers a range of insurance policies, but even its most basic cover will give you protection should you damage someone else’s property, and all policies include counselling services, as well as a traveller bonus if you are travelling to each state and territory. Here is what you can choose from:

  • Third party property (TPP) is Youi’s simplest cover option. It will insure you against damaging someone else’s property or if your caravan or trailer is damaged by an uninsured driver.
  • Third party fire and theft is TPP with the added protection against theft or fire, as well as covering the contents inside the caravan or trailer. Providing legal liability of $20 million, this policy gives you a mix between cover and value.
  • Comprehensive covers all your bases. Be it accidental damage, natural damage from storms or floods, fire, theft or however else your camper might get damaged or cause damage to someone else’s property, comprehensive is the policy you want if you’re tired of worrying whether you’re covered or not.

How does each cover type compare?

BenefitsComprehensiveThird party, fire and theftThird party property only
Accidental damage
  • Yes
  • No
  • No
Intentional damage
  • Yes
  • No
  • No
Storm or flood
  • Yes
  • No
  • No
Fire or theft
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • No
  • Yes
  • No
  • No
Emergency accommodation, transport and repairs
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • No
Legal liability
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
Towing costs
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • No
Locks and keys
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • No
Contents inside the caravan or trailer
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • No
Caravan park fees
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • No
Traveller bonus
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
Animal death or injury
  • Yes
  • No
  • No
Counselling services
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Optional
  • Optional
  • No
Caravan contents upgrade
  • Optional
  • Optional
  • No
Burnout of electric motor
  • Optional
  • No
  • No
Business items
  • Optional
  • Optional
  • No

What additional cover options are there?

On top of its extensive list of inclusions, Youi offers a few additional options for extra cover, including:

  • Annex cover (extra cover if you keep your caravan parked in an annex)
  • Caravan contents upgrade (insuring the total replacement value of your caravan’s contents)
  • Burnout of your electric motor (replacing or repairing broken down or failed electric motors)
  • Cover for business items (equipment, instruments and tools used in your trade or profession)

What exclusions are there?

As with all policies, there are exclusions you should be aware of, so be sure to read the fine print. General exclusions are:

  • Cover for illegal property and counterfeit goods, or illegal or reckless use at the time of the accident
  • Use for business or trade (unless covered by optional extras)
  • Legal repossessions, fines or penalties
  • Poor materials or workmanship (including asbestos)
  • Wear and tear (including rust, rot or mould)
  • Any event outside of Australia
  • War or civil commotion (rioting and looting)
  • Any damage or repairs prior to your policy
  • Replacement of glass that had damage prior to your policy
  • Loss of value or financial loss
  • Improvements beyond the caravan or trailer’s original condition before the accident
  • Unsecured contents in the caravan or trailer
  • Any unregistered caravan or trailer
  • Damage to roads due to normal use
  • Damage from animals or vermin

What excess do I need to pay?

Whenever you make a claim, you’ll need to pay a basic excess. You may be given the option of choosing your payable excess, but this will then affect the cost of your premiums. Certain situations will require you to pay an additional excess; these will be outlined in your policy. If your caravan or trailer was being driven or towed by someone not on your policy, you will have to pay an additional excess.

How do I make a claim?

Youi simplifies the claim process with a single point of contact. If you need to make a claim you simply call up, and the person to answer you is the person who’ll see your claim through to satisfaction. It’s important to remember that each claim can only relate to 1 incident and that you must take all reasonable steps to minimise and prevent any loss or damage.

  1. You can make your claim online at
  2. To speak to Youi about starting a policy, call 1300 225 975
  3. For roadside assistance and emergencies, call 131 117

Compare other products from Youi

Alexandra Koster's headshot

Alexandra Koster was Finder's publisher for car, home and pet insurance. She has a Tier 1 certification in General Insurance, as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Film and Cultural Studies from the University of Sydney. Her hobbies include reading Product Disclosure Statements and deciphering complicated insurance lingo to help people save on their insurance so that they can spend their money on better things – like dogs. See full bio

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