finder money podcast #52: Pocket money management tips with Spriggy
In this episode we brought Mario Hasanakos from Spriggy into the studio to talk to us about how parents can help their kids learn good spending habits from a young age. Mario is the co-founder of Spriggy, a prepaid card and mobile app that helps parents give and track their kids' pocket money.
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We spoke to Mario about a number of topics, including:
- How spriggy started
- How important is financial education for kids and where does responsibility lie?
- Has online / electronic payments made it too easy for kids to spend?
- How has the reception been from customers?
- How safe is your money with Spriggy?
- Why have traditional banks not built a product like this in the past?
- Where is Spriggy heading in the future?
- Should parents pay kids pocket money only if they do chores or as a regular allowance?
- General tips for parents to help their kids manage their money better
- How important money mistakes are for kids when learning to manage their money?
- Mario’s book/blog/podcast recommendations for parents looking to teach their kids about money
- What Mario would change about the way kids in Australia are taught about money
- The best piece of financial advice Mario ever received
- The worst piece of financial advice Mario ever received
- What Mario invests in
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