Home Authors Frank Restuccia
Frank Restuccia

Frank Restuccia


Frank Restuccia is co-founder of Finder. He leads the Australian business and is co-CEO of the global group. With business partner and school friend, Fred Schebesta, the pair built Finder into an Australian household name and a global empire, now operating in 83 countries and averaging 8-10 million visitors each month. Frank holds a Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in finance and accounting from the University of Sydney.

Latest articles by Frank Restuccia

7 articles written by this author

Teenpreneurs: How to turn your big idea into a business

Finder's Co-Founder Frank Restuccia shares his best advice for young Australians wanting to take an entrepreneurial career path.

Frank Restuccia 25 May 2021
Teenpreneurs: How to turn your big idea into a business

Five ways to set your kids up for financial success

How to get your children started with shares and saving in today's climate.

Frank Restuccia 17 December 2020
Five ways to set your kids up for financial success

Waterfall authentication, the Consumer Data Right and passing the barbeque test

How CDR should approach authentication to benefit all Australian consumers.

Frank Restuccia 27 November 2020
Waterfall authentication, the Consumer Data Right and passing the barbeque test

Why I wish I learned to code when I was a kid

Finder's co-CEO Frank Restuccia explains why coding matters so much.

Frank Restuccia 26 November 2020
Why I wish I learned to code when I was a kid

What more can be done to improve diversity in tech?

Finder co-founder Frank Restuccia on the next steps we need to take

Frank Restuccia 24 September 2020
What more can be done to improve diversity in tech?

Consent and the Consumer Data Right in Australia

The challenges and complexities of consent, and how it plays into the Consumer Data Right.

Frank Restuccia 11 September 2020
Consent and the Consumer Data Right in Australia

Open Energy in Australia

Energy is changing in Australia. Find out what open energy is and how it affects you.

Frank Restuccia 5 November 2019
Open Energy in Australia
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