Top 20 most volatile cryptocurrencies revealed

Be it bitcoin or one of the other 1500+ altcoins, the cryptocurrency market is known for its volatility. But which one is the most volatile of all?
Depending on your personality, volatility in the cryptocurrency market is either an opportunity or a cause of stress. If you have your finger on the pulse with your technical analysis of the market, and you have the capacity to react to price changes at any time of the day, then you may feel that it’s in this volatility where there is money to be made. If, however, you’re more interested in finding a cryptocurrency to sit on while you wait for it to rise in value over the long term, then you may find this volatility scary.
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Or perhaps you’re looking for a few options from each end of the spectrum or something more in the middle. Before you can make a decision either way, there is one important question that needs answering: what is the most volatile cryptocurrency?
How did we work out the most volatile cryptocurrency?
There are over 1,500 coins listed on CoinMarketCap as of the time of writing, but the top 50 make up 93% of the total market cap. As such, we began by analysing the top 50 coins. We then looked at the daily trades for each of these coins over the last two months. This gave us a sample from each side of the January boom period to explore.
From there, we looked at the opening and closing prices of each day to get a read on the average volatility over any given 24-hour period. We then looked at the range of values within a single 24-hour period to see how far a cryptocurrency was likely to swing around its average daily change. We then combined these two results to establish the coin’s volatility. This is represented as a score. For reference, the average score across the top 50 coins was 21.03.
What are the 20 most volatile cryptocurrencies?
We have also published the top 20 least volatile cryptocurrencies, but as of the second week of February 2018, the 20 most volatile cryptocurrencies are as follows:
TRON | 35.05 |
Verge | 34.32 |
Nano | 33.41 |
VeChain | 28.30 |
Rchain | 27.88 |
Siacoin | 27.20 |
Walton | 26.58 |
ICON | 25.32 |
NEM | 24.86 |
Cardano | 24.38 |
Ripple | 23.78 |
Status | 23.53 |
Ardor | 22.92 |
Electorneum | 22.82 |
Steem | 22.81 |
BitShares | 22.78 |
0x | 22.70 |
KuCoin Shares | 22.70 |
Populous | 22.27 |
Binance Coin | 21.98 |
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