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Dollar Saver Tip #10


Save: $30+

Tip overview:

Still getting paper bills? Odds are you're paying for them, and that's a waste of money.

Angus here, Finder's editor-at-large and professional cheapskate. One thing I don't want to do is pay to receive a bill. (Paying the bill itself is bad enough!) But most phone companies, Internet providers and electricity suppliers charge a fee if you get a bill through the mail.

Telstra, for instance, charges $2.20 to send a paper bill. Energy Australia charges $1.69 per bill (depending on which state you live in). Similar fees apply at most large providers.

Those might seem like small amounts, but over a year they add up. A dozen monthly phone bills and 4 power bills could cost $30 or more a year. With inflation at record levels right now, every cent counts.

Did you know?

Most utilities don't charge for paper bills for concession card holders and pensioners.

It's also greener to get bills by email, or through your online account. Less paper and less transport.

So if you're still getting paper bills, make the switch. You can do that online or by calling your provider. I promise they won't try and talk you out of it.

Finally, a reminder. It's worth regularly checking to see if you can get a cheaper Internet plan. Loyalty doesn't pay - many providers have special deals with lower rates for the first 6 months.

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