Dollar Saver Tip #14


Save $243+

Tip overview:

Got a gift card at Christmas? Don't let it turn into money you've lost.

Angus here, Finder's editor-at-large and full-fledged skinflint. Unlike some folks, I'm always happy to get gift cards. But I don't let them fester in a drawer and run the risk of expiring.

Sure, you might think you won't forget. But Finder research shows that 39% of Australians have unused gift cards sitting around, with an average value of $243.

In tough economic times, letting those cards expire is like setting fire to your wallet.

Did you know?

In Australia, gift cards must be valid for at least 3 years. Our Kiwi cousins aren't so lucky – there are no New Zealand laws around gift card expiry dates. Learn more from our expert Graham's recent appearance on Today.

Bottom line: plan to spend your cards. Deliberately set a time in your calendar where you'll use them.

If you're running a strict budget, remember you can always use your gift card to purchase a gift for someone else. That's money you don't have to spend when cousin Riley's birthday suddenly comes around.

And to really maximise the value of those cards, check for coupon codes and other bargains. Shopping around helps you get even more from your gift card windfalls.

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