Save $780 on your supermarket shop | Dollar Saver tip #50

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Save: $780

Tip overview:

We're on a mission at Finder to help you save money, so we compared the same basket of 46 items at ALDI, Coles and Woolworths.

It's probably no huge surprise that ALDI came out on top: the total price for the goodies at ALDI came to $199.69, followed by Woolworths at $208.85 and Coles at $214.32.

That's a saving of around $15/week, or almost $800 over the year - enough for a weekend holiday, a new appliance or it could even cover your Christmas spending.

Did you know?

The average Aussie household spends $185 on their weekly grocery shop.

As a money expert, the main message I want you to hear is how much value there is in being a conscious shopper.

Shopping at low-cost grocery stores can help stretch your dollar further. It's also useful to militantly stick to your list; avoid temptation from end-of-aisle sales; and if you can, shop online so you only buy what you really need.

In an interview with, I shared that a whopping 40% of Aussies rank groceries as one of their top 3 most stressful expenses right now. This is your chance to claw some of that money (and peace of mind) back.

I know I'd much rather have that cash in my account than the supermarkets' – after all, they posted billion-dollar profits this year. I most certainly did not!

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