3 things to know before you pick a solar provider in Tassie this year

If you're a solar customer in Tasmania, you should make sure you're getting the best deal from your energy retailer. Here's what you need to know.
Sponsored by Aurora Energy. Connect electricity, natural gas, and solar with fixed rates and easy-to-switch plans.
Solar energy has seen a surge in popularity over the past decade or so. Decreased costs, government schemes and attractive feed-in deals have all helped encourage uptake.
Even if you're using solar, you're likely still connected to the wider grid. You may even be feeding back into the grid.
So your retailer matters – and we've got a few points on how you can tell whether you're getting a good deal.
1. Get transparency from your provider
A lack of transparency around energy bills is a big problem for many solar users.
It can be difficult to gauge how much energy is being generated or consumed – in turn, you can't always be sure if you're being billed correctly.
However, there are solutions available.
For example, Aurora Energy offers aurora+ – an app that gives your insights into your solar energy consumption and when you use it the most.
The smart meter means there's no room for human error with meter reads. There are also no estimated bills if a meter read can't be completed, so you can be confident it's accurate and know you won't get a large catch-up bill.
With these sorts of tools, you can look at your usage patterns and take steps to minimise your overall energy bill.
Learn how Aurora Energy provides transparency to its customers
2. Find out whether using your solar energy vs a feed-in tariff is better for your savings
If you generate solar energy, you have the choice of using all the energy you generate or choosing to feed some of it back into the wider energy grid.
Electricity companies tend to encourage the latter via feed-in tariffs. Feed-in tariffs essentially provide you with a discount on your future energy bills.
However, sometimes these feed-in tariffs aren't actually saving you much at all.
Many people who generate solar energy would be better off using it themselves, and would be spending less on their energy bills than if they opted for the feed-in tariff.
Using tools like aurora+ allows you to see the value of energy that you're generating, in both dollar and KwH amounts. You can then compare it to your bill and decide whether you want to use the energy yourself.
Now, it's important to note that everyone has different power needs and storage capabilities. You may also still be getting a great feed-in tariff making it worth sending power back to the grid.
What's important is that you get the right deal for your needs.
Discover more about feed-in tariffs and using your solar energy
3. Learn how to spot greenwashing
"Greenwashing" is the practice of pretending a product or service is better for the environment or more eco-friendly than it actually is.
With increased public concern about the environment, greenwashing has unfortunately been on the rise too.
So when you're reviewing your solar retailer, take a look at where else they're investing in and what sort of products they have on offer. Are they supporting any green initiatives?
Aurora Energy partners with Bank of us to offer Green Loans to customers looking to upgrade to green-friendly products such as solar panels or electric vehicles.
Additionally, Aurora has also partnered with carbar to offer customers electric vehicle subscriptions, with the aim of reducing overall car ownership and creating less pollution in Tasmania.
Learn more about Aurora Energy's green initiatives
☀️ Why solar is worth keeping – even with Tassie's cloudy weather
It's no secret that Tasmania isn't exactly the Sunshine State. Tassie tends to get more than its fair share of grey skies and rainy days.
But there are a few reasons that solar is still worth maintaining.
Better technology and manufacturing techniques means that solar panels are now far more efficient than they were in decades past. So cloudy skies don't necessarily mean wasted time gathering energy any more.
Federal schemes have made them more affordable to the average Tasmanian, too.
Importantly, they can also lead to considerable savings on your energy bills when used effectively. With the right tools to support you, there's the potential to cut back on your energy expenses.
And last but not least, it's a step in the right direction for the environment. Given the current reliance on fossil fuels, it's important for people to be looking for alternatives at individual, business and government levels.
Solar energy can be one way to help look after Tasmania's long-term future.
Learn more about Aurora Energy's power solutions today
Sponsored by Aurora Energy. Connect electricity, natural gas, and solar with fixed rates and easy-to-switch plans.