Home Authors Susannah Binsted
Susannah Binsted

Susannah Binsted

Consumer advocate

Susannah Binsted is the international PR manager at Finder. Susannah has a Bachelor of Communication and a Bachelor of International Studies from the University of Technology Sydney.

Latest articles by Susannah Binsted

11 articles written by this author

Bank of Mum and Dad statistics 2023

Parents give their kids an average of $33,278 to help with a house deposit, according to 2023 data from Finder's CST.

Susannah Binsted 16 June 2023
Bank of Mum and Dad statistics 2023

Buy now pay later statistics 2024

BNPL adoption hit an all-time high in July 2022 (49%) and has dropped back down to usual levels since then.

Susannah Binsted 15 June 2023
Buy now pay later statistics 2024

Student HECS-HELP debt statistics

12% of Australians don’t think they’ll ever be able to repay their student debt.

Susannah Binsted 2 June 2023
Student HECS-HELP debt statistics

Remote working statistics

14% of Australians plan to work remotely overseas this year, up from 7% last year.

Susannah Binsted 14 April 2023
Remote working statistics

International student statistics

International education was worth $29 billion to the Australian economy in 2021-22, down from $37.6 billion in 2018-19.

Susannah Binsted 6 December 2022
International student statistics

PayPal statistics

426 million people had an active PayPal account in 2021, up more than 300% compared to 2011.

Susannah Binsted 23 November 2022
PayPal statistics

Finder’s 2022 Financial Advisor Report

16% of Australian adults, the equivalent of 3,200,000 people, have a financial advisor or planner.

Susannah Binsted 18 November 2022
Finder’s 2022 Financial Advisor Report

ESG and impact investing statistics

Would you be willing to earn 2.34% less on your investments? Find out why 35% of Aussies are.

Susannah Binsted 28 September 2022
ESG and impact investing statistics

Robo-advisor statistics

1 in 10 adult Australians could soon be using a robo-advisor.

Susannah Binsted 28 September 2022
Robo-advisor statistics

Australian ETF statistics

Finder's expert team has compiled the latest stats and facts about the growth of ETFs in Australia and around the world.

Susannah Binsted 21 September 2022
Australian ETF statistics
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