Home Authors Franko Ali
Franko Ali

Franko Ali


Franko Ali is the creative director for brand and production at Finder and the lead producer of the Pocket Money podcast and Finder's video content. Hailing from California, he’s spent 7+ years creating and publishing award-winning video and audio content in news, science and culture for Group Nine Media and Discovery Communications. Franko has a Bachelor of Science in Visual Communication Design from San Francisco State University and prefers travelling by bicycle so that the podcasts sound better.

Latest articles by Franko Ali

2 articles written by this author

Finder’s Pocket Money podcast – Season 2 announced

Finder's popular flagship podcast Pocket Money is back in 2020 with new episodes, stories and tips to manage your life and your finances better.

Franko Ali 13 February 2020
Finder’s Pocket Money podcast – Season 2 announced

The best money, investing and finance podcasts for Australians

Whatever your money goal is, the right advice is critical to success. One easy way to get tips on how to build and manage wealth is through good podcasts.

Franko Ali 11 November 2019
The best money, investing and finance podcasts for Australians
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