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Cam McLellan

Cam McLellan


Cam McLellan is a property investment specialist, the co-CEO of OpenCorp, and the bestselling author of My four-year-old the property investor (100,000 copies sold) and Investing in the new normal. Since 2005, OpenCorp has helped 1,500+ Australians add over $1.2 billion to their property portfolios, transforming their wealth, retirement goals and financial futures. Cam has built a substantial residential and commercial property portfolio himself, which allowed him the option to retire in his 30s. He’s also built a group of companies listed in seven BRW fast-growth lists, which allow him to share his extensive property investing knowledge.

Latest articles by Cam McLellan

1 articles written by this author

The key to investing in property during lockdown

Buying property during lockdown can make a lot of sense, provided you listen to your head as well as your heart.

Cam McLellan 8 October 2021
The key to investing in property during lockdown
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