finder money podcast #47: How online doctors work
This week we had the pleasure of chatting to Aifric Boylan, CEO of qoctor. Qoctor is an online doctor service and recently won the Best Tech Innovation award at the finder awards 2017. Qoctor allows Australians to get medical certificates, medication, prescriptions and referrals online. In this episode we talked about:
- How qoctor works
- What Australians can use qoctor for
- How qoctor evaluates patients without sitting in the same room
- How they use computer algorithms in their referrals system
- The reaction to qoctor from the medical community
- Aifric's thoughts on generic medicines and how to save money on medicine
- How Aifric sees AI factoring into the future of healthcare
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Notes and links mentioned in the podcast
- Scott Morrison has announced that the big four needs to provide 50% of their credit data by 1 July 2018
- The finder awards 2017 winners
Funny money
- Dave Hughes buys Josh and Elyse's house on The Block
- Dolce & Gabanna has diversified into selling pasta
- Black truffle shortage
Notes from our chat with Aifric Boylan
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