Media Release

Aussies urged to pull the plug on wasteful energy habits

        • Aussies could save up to $850 per year on their electricity bill
        • 35% use the dryer instead of the clothesline
        • Tips for cutting down your energy usage

26 September, 2019, Sydney, Australia - Millions of Aussies are missing simple tricks which could save them money on their electricity bill, according to new research by Finder, Australia's most visited comparison site.

By making a few adjustments around the house, Australians could save a collective $3.2 billion over a year— approximately $850 per household.

The Finder survey of 1,019 people shows 18% keep the lights on even when they aren't in the room, and 35% use the dryer instead of the clothesline. Nearly half (49%) keep appliances on at the wall when they're not in use.

Graham Cooke, energy expert at Finder, said Aussies who fail to take action around the home are putting both the planet and their bank account in jeopardy.

"Aussies are becoming increasingly savvy about their energy usage. This makes it all the more surprising that some are missing a few tricks to keep their bills down."

"With the average power bill now priced at $1,338 per year, Aussies should be cutting back on electricity wherever they can," he said.

The research also found that 49% of Aussies aren't reducing their shower time, while one in four (26%) keep the windows and doors open despite having the heater on.

Cooke said that for many Aussies, the laundry is where they can start cutting back without it impacting their day to day life.

"Hot water is a big culprit when it comes to energy usage. Switching to cold water washes could save up to $150 per year, while ditching the clothes dryer could save you $79.

According to a recent report by the ABS, the value of energy supplied increased by 18% to $218 billion between 2016 - 2017 alone.

"Increasing energy prices mean that often, any savings you're able to make on your usage will only cover the price increase. This means bills go sideways, not down."

"If Aussies don't make the effort to cut back on power, their bills will only increase. Make sure you're current provider is giving you good bang for your buck - otherwise it might be time to switch," he said.

Potential savings on household energy

ActionSavings per year
Switch your globes to LEDs$160 (every 10 globes)
Take shorter showers$120
Hang washing on clothes line instead of using the dryer (based on one load per week)$79
Wash clothes with cold water (based on one load per week)$150
Have my home insulated$349.60

Source: Finder,, Victoria Energy Saver

How Aussies are wasting energyProportion
Keeping the lights on when not in room18%
Not closing windows / doors to keep heat in26%
Using the dryer instead of hanging washing on clothesline35%
Washing clothes with hot water36%
Not taking shorter showers49%
Not unplugging appliances / turning them off at the wall49%
Not having home insulation installed65%

Source: Finder

Tips for lowering your energy costs

  • Choose energy efficient appliances. Whitegoods can vary significantly when it comes to energy efficiency. Look for products with an energy star rating of three or higher.
  • Avoid peak times. Under some contracts, electricity charges will increase during popular time periods. To avoid this, try and stick to off-peak times, usually between the hours of 10pm - 7am.
  • Get to know your energy bill. Understanding your energy bill jargon and usage can help you assess how much electricity you're using, and whether you're paying too much for it.
  • Shop around for a better deal. There's no shortage of energy retailers within Australia. If you don't like what your current provider has to offer, start comparing to find a more suitable option.


For further information


The information in this release is accurate as of the date published, but rates, fees and other product features may have changed. Please see updated product information on's review pages for the current correct values.

About Finder

Every month 2.6 million unique visitors turn to Finder to save money and time, and to make important life choices. We compare virtually everything from credit cards, phone plans, health insurance, travel deals and much more.

Our free service is 100% independently-owned by three Australians: Fred Schebesta, Frank Restuccia and Jeremy Cabral. Since launching in 2006, Finder has helped Aussies find what they need from 1,800+ brands across 100+ categories.

We continue to expand and launch around the globe, and now have offices in Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Poland and the Philippines. For further information visit

12.6 million average unique monthly audience (June- September 2019), Nielsen Digital Panel

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