Media Release

Aussies are hung up on their telco: 62% haven’t switched in 4 years

  • 22% have been loyal to the same telco for 11 years or more
  • 47% haven’t switched because they are happy with the service
  •’s tips for comparing phone plans

5 March, Sydney, Australia – Most Aussies stick with the same mobile phone provider when they could be switching and getting a better deal, reveals new research by, the site that compares virtually everything.

The average Aussie has been with the same telco for 6.5 years, with only one-third (38%) switching providers in the last 3 years.

A further 14% have been with their telco for 4-5 years and 26% haven’t switched for 6-10 years.

One-fifth (22%) haven’t changed providers for 11 years or more, from a time where the telco pool was much more limited. Combined, that’s almost two in three (62%) Aussies who have been with the same provider for at least 4 years.

Angus Kidman, editor-in-chief and Tech Expert at, says Aussies forget that loyalty rarely pays off.

“A decade ago amaysim, Kogan and Aldi Mobile weren’t even players in the market. In 2018, there are over 30 brands to choose from and plans are becoming much cheaper every year.”

“Just five years ago a 3GB plan was $39.90 and now you can get 20GB for just $50 a month. Most plans come with unlimited calls and texts in Australia, so data and international call inclusions are the key features to pay attention to. It’s never been easier to compare plan value.”

Baby Boomers are the most likely to be loyal, admitting they’ve been with the same telco for 8.4 years, compared to Gen X (7 years) and Gen Y (5.5 years).

“It’s no surprise that many Aussies stick with what they know as switching providers is often considered a hassle. We’re creatures of habit and if ain’t broke, why fix it?”

The survey of 2,306 respondents shows 47% have stayed faithful because they are happy with their provider while 23% haven’t switched because they’re on a good deal.

But switching is in the too-hard-basket for 10% who say it’s too much hassle and a further 6% find comparing their options too confusing.

“Even if you’re happy, it’s well worth comparing and checking. With an average 6.5 year span with a telco, there’s going to be plenty of Aussies sitting on what they think is a 'good’ deal when in fact their own telco is already offering superior value if only they’d actually ask,” says Mr Kidman.

“What many Aussies don’t realise is that all the smaller players run on the big networks such as Telstra, Optus and Vodafone. So if you’re with one of these telcos because it has the best coverage in your area, you could switch to a cheaper provider which uses the same network.”

“For example, if you want to stay on the Telstra network, you can switch to Aldi, Woolworths or Boost.”

Why have you stayed with the same phone provider?
I'm happy with my provider47%7.8 years
I'm on a good deal23%5.3 years
It's too much hassle to switch10%6.6 years
I'm on a contract, so I have to wait to switch6%3.6 years
It's the only provider that works in my area6%8.3 years
It's too confusing to compare and switch6%6.5 years’s tips for comparing plans

  1. Know your numbers
    How much do you pay and what are you getting for your money? Find out what your data allowance is and assess whether you regularly fall under the limit or exceed it. For example your plan might include 4GB, but you often use 6GB and face excess data fees.
  2. Consider your habits
    Do you watch a lot of video on your phone? Do you call relatives overseas? Do you only use it for calls and texts? Think about the top three ways you use your phone, and make sure your plan caters to your habits.
  3. Compare your options
    Jump online and compare plans from different providers. These days unlimited calls and text are standard, so compare your options based on data allowance, international call inclusions and other features such as free Spotify. If you still want to stick with the same provider, call them and see what they are willing to offer you to keep you as a customer.


For further information


The information in this release is accurate as of the date published, but rates, fees and other product features may have changed. Please see updated product information on's review pages for the current correct values.

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