Media Release

New Year’s Resolutions 2019: Aussies want to beat the bulge

    • 5.5 million have resolved to lose weight
    • Eating better, travelling more, getting out of debt among top resolutions
    • Tips to help achieve your goals

27 December, 2018, Sydney, Australia – Three quarters of Australians (73%) have made New Year’s resolutions for 2019, according to new research by, the site that compares virtually everything.

The survey of 2,010 Australians showed that self improvement is high on the list.

Nearly one in three (29%) want to trim down and tone up, with more women (34%) than men (24%) wanting to lose weight.

Along with dropping kilos, 10% said they want to eat better – a resolution if successfully kept would lead to a healthier life.

Bessie Hassan, Insurance Expert at, said a new year is a great excuse for a fresh start.

“Millions are eager to leave 2018 behind them and hit the reset button.

“Our intentions are admirable, but there’s a fine line between goals that are too lofty and those that aren’t ambitious enough.

“The goals we set in January require more than a once-a-year review. Set a plan that you can chip away at,” she said.

One in ten (9%) said they wanted to travel more in 2019, while 8% want to get out of debt.

The research found that 6% of Aussies have resolved to drink less or quit smoking.

“People tend to be really dedicated to their New Year’s resolutions in the beginning then lose interest because it’s unsustainable.

“Whether it’s reaching your goal weight or getting out debt, set a simple plan and stick to it,” she said.

Hassan said it’s not too late to make some resolutions.

“Look at making healthy habits part of your everyday life rather than having to make constant sacrifice,” she said.

Men are much less likely to make a resolution overall compared to women, with 32% of men saying they don’t have a resolution, compared to just 22% of women.

The top New Year's Resolutions for 2019

Improve fitness/lose weight29%
Eat better10%
Travel more9%
Get out of debt8%
Learn something new6%
Quit/reduce smoking4%
Quit/reduce drinking2%
Find love2%
Sleep more2%

Source: survey of 2,010 Australians, December 2018

How to stick to your resolutions

  • Set simple goals. A lot of New Year’s resolutions are massive, like extreme makeovers, or taking huge steps in a career. While these are nice aspirations, there are too many existing priorities in your life to ignore just so you can achieve your New Year's resolution. Keep it simple and single.
  • Make it tangible. The key to making your New Year's resolution tangible is to make it measurable and specific. Instead of just saying, 'I want to lose weight', specify the amount of weight you'd like to lose, such as five kilos every six months. When you reflect back, you can exactly determine if you've reached your goal or not.
  • Share with your crew. Share your goals with your friends and family as it gives you some element of accountability and your friends and family can then support you. Sharing your progress on social media is also extra motivation as your friends will ask you about your progress.


For further information


The information in this release is accurate as of the date published, but rates, fees and other product features may have changed. Please see updated product information on's review pages for the current correct values.

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Our free service is 100% independently-owned by three Australians: Fred Schebesta, Frank Restuccia and Jeremy Cabral. Since launching in 2006, Finder has helped Aussies find what they need from 1,800+ brands across 100+ categories.

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