Media Release

Aussies are playing with fire to keep warm

        • 600,000 Aussies leave their electric blanket on all night
        • Hot showers are the most popular way to keep warm
        • Learn how to lower your energy usage

8 August, 2019, Sydney, Australia – Australians could end up in hot water trying to keep warm this winter reveals new research by Finder, Australia's most visited comparison site.

A recent survey of 1,019 respondents showed that almost one in ten (9%) Aussies are resorting to dangerous heating habits to beat the winter chill.

Around 600,000 Aussies leave their electric blanket on all night, while 400,000 keep the heater running while they aren't at home. The same number have multiple heaters running at once.

With a cold front heading our way, eastern and southern states are bracing for a frosty weekend – one that's likely to send Aussies scrambling for the heater remote.

Graham Cooke, energy expert at Finder, said that Australia's heating habits not only pose a significant fire risk, but they're also a drain on the bank account.

"Fire and rescue services see a 10% increase in the number of house fires during winter. Most of these fires occur in lounge rooms or bedrooms after people have left their heater on unattended.

"Keeping the heater running at all hours of the day is not only risky, you're likely to get burnt by a hefty energy bill at the end of the quarter."

The research found that Aussies are also turning to hot water to thaw out this winter. One in two (51%) will indulge in long hot showers, with generation X the most likely to keep warm this way.

Around 17% will curl up with a hot water bottle, with savvy baby boomers the most likely to opt for this option.
Cooke said people don't have to abandon their heater completely to save money.

"Simple yet effective changes to the way you manage your energy usage can make a big difference to your bill. Keep your heat setting around 17-19℃. This is the most economical temperature for keeping warm without blowing the budget.

"Many families are already feeling the pinch when it comes to their energy bills. If you can't keep up with the cost despite lowering your energy usage, then it's time to switch providers and look for a better deal elsewhere."

How do you plan on keeping warm this winter?
Take a long hot shower51%
Use a hot water bottle17%
Sit in front of the heater8%
Have a hot bath5%
Leave the electric blanket on all night3%
Use multiple heaters2%
Leave the heater on when I'm not home2%

Source: Finder

How to lower your energy usage this winter

  • Use your electric blanket. On average, this is around 16 times cheaper than using a regular heater, provided that you don't leave it on all night.
  • Heat the house in isolation. Keep all doors and windows closed, draw the curtains and only heat the room you're actually using. This will maximise heat retention.
  • Rug up. Sometimes the easiest thing to do is pop on an extra layer. Wearing thermal singlets under your layers will help trap your body heat.


For further information


The information in this release is accurate as of the date published, but rates, fees and other product features may have changed. Please see updated product information on's review pages for the current correct values.

About Finder

Every month 2.6 million unique visitors turn to Finder to save money and time, and to make important life choices. We compare virtually everything from credit cards, phone plans, health insurance, travel deals and much more.

Our free service is 100% independently-owned by three Australians: Fred Schebesta, Frank Restuccia and Jeremy Cabral. Since launching in 2006, Finder has helped Aussies find what they need from 1,800+ brands across 100+ categories.

We continue to expand and launch around the globe, and now have offices in Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Poland and the Philippines. For further information visit

12.6 million average unique monthly audience (June- September 2019), Nielsen Digital Panel

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