Shopping for larger items can be hard on your finances. You can be forced to pay exorbitant credit card interest to get your hands on something you can't afford to pay for upfront. Zip Money allows you to make big purchases but you can pay back the amount without being charged any interest for a set period.
Below is a complete list of everywhere you can shop interest-free using Zip Money.
How does Zip Money work?
When you sign up for a Zip Money account, you will be asked to select one of three credit limits: $1,000, $2,000 or $3,000. Each of these limits come with different minimum repayments and establishment fees. You can then use this credit to shop at one of the retailers below.
You don't have to make a purchase as soon as you sign up for an account, but when you do you will be given an interest-free period. Every Zip Money account comes with a minimum 3-month interest-free period.
When you use your credit you will pay a monthly fee of $6 and you will have to make a certain minimum repayment ($40 for the two lower credit tiers and $80 for the $3,000 credit tier). You can make payments above this amount to ensure you repay your debt within the interest-free period. When your interest-free period ends, you will pay a variable rate on your outstanding balance which is currently 23.9% p.a.
Zip Money also offers a line of credit product for smaller purchases called zipPay. Find out how Zip Pay works and where Zip Pay is offered. You can also read more about how Zip Money works in our review.
Save with Zip Money at these stores (Deals and discounts)
Full list of stores with Zip Money:
Use the search box below to find out if a store accepts Zip Money. Our list contains over 9900 retailers and is updated daily.
Picture: Shutterstock
Ask a question
Can you purchase gift cards with Zip Money
Hi Julie,
Yes, you can purchase certain gift cards using Zip. You can find a list of them here:
Does erskine park dentist except zip money.
Hi Jason. Yes, Erskine Park Dental accepts Zip Money and Zip Pay.
Can I use my Zip money at Coles In-stores?
Hi Shawnte,
Thanks for reaching out to Finder.
Upon checking, Zip money as well as Zip pay doesn’t have a partnership with Coles. Thus, you cannot either choose from any payment option being offered to you to be able to make a purchase.
I hope this helps.
I heard through a friend you do flights/holidays, is this true?
I see the Contikii option but it’s not what I’m after.
Hi Tanya,
Thank you for getting in touch with Finder.
What you heard is right. You may now check the next destination off your bucket list with affordable flights that give you the option to book now and pay later with zipMoney. A few sites currently offer this payment option for flights so please check them out. You would also see zipMoney travel guide, including a full store list.
I hope this helps.
Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any other enquiries.
Thank you and have a wonderful day!