Home Authors Jeremy Cabral
Jeremy Cabral

Jeremy Cabral


Jeremy Cabral is the chief operating officer and global head of publishing for Finder. He has written hundreds of comparisons covering everything from credit cards to travel money to Netflix TV shows. Jeremy has a Bachelor of Business (Marketing) from the University of Western Sydney.

Latest articles by Jeremy Cabral

12 articles written by this author

Car loans for pensioners

On a pension but need a new car? There are still many choices if you know where to look.

Jeremy Cabral 7 August 2017
Car loans for pensioners

Experian Credit Score

How to get your free Experian credit score and credit report with Finder.

Jeremy Cabral 7 July 2014
Experian Credit Score

Pay overseas bills with an international money transfer

Compare international money transfer services when paying bills overseas.

Jeremy Cabral 4 July 2014
Pay overseas bills with an international money transfer

Business equity loans

Learn how to use your residential or commercial property as security for your business loan.

Jeremy Cabral 4 June 2014
Business equity loans

Business overdraft accounts: Interest rates and features explained

Get access to extra cash when you need it with a business overdraft.

Jeremy Cabral 4 June 2014
Business overdraft accounts: Interest rates and features explained

Trade Finance

Learn how trade finance can take the risk out of importing or exporting. What changed? We reworked the article to improve clarity and included alternatives to trade finance.

Jeremy Cabral 3 June 2014
Trade Finance

Credit repair in Australia

How to remove incorrect negative listings from your report and adopt positive money habits to get your credit history back on track.

Jeremy Cabral 13 March 2014
Credit repair in Australia

How to shop online with overseas merchant and pay no foreign transaction fees

Shop online with international retailers and pay no foreign currency conversion fees.

Jeremy Cabral 19 February 2014
How to shop online with overseas merchant and pay no foreign transaction fees

Variable rate car loans

A variable rate car loan can give you a way to finance your new car purchase while letting you take advantage of any favourable interest rates should they become available. Compare your options today and see what's available.

Jeremy Cabral 18 October 2013
Variable rate car loans

Travel Money Guide: USA

The USA has a culture of credit, and it’s a society of card payments, read our travel money guide to find out which travel products to use and which to avoid using in the USA.

Jeremy Cabral 27 September 2013
Travel Money Guide: USA
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