5 reasons to upgrade your broadband plan before the New Year

With the end of the year fast approaching, it's the perfect time to reassess your online needs
Sponsored by iPrimus. Become a new broadband customer before 28 February and you'll receive $10 off for the first 6 months on their high speed plans, as well as a free modem. Join before 31 January and also score 3 months of Fetch TV, whether you're a new or existing customer. T&Cs apply.
The holidays are just around the corner. And if you've been thinking about a gift to get for yourself – and your family – we'd definitely suggest a better internet connection.
That's why we're taking a look at some of the best reasons why it might be time for you to make the switch.
1. Get more value out of your internet provider
Home internet plans often fall into "set-and-forget" mode. You signed up for a plan who knows how many years ago and haven't looked at it since.
Sure, it was fine at the time. But now you might be paying too much for a plan that doesn't really give you the speed or service that you need.
We live in an era of ever-increasing internet speed, improved tech and falling data costs. So really, internet plans are something that should be reassessed at least once a year.
Beyond download speed and data allowance, you should also be looking at what sort of incentives are included for signing up to a plan.
Let's take a look at iPrimus as an example.
iPrimus offers a range of high-speed tier plans including Premium, Home Superfast, and the recently launched Home Ultrafast – the fastest type of nbn plan available.
Currently, if you become a broadband customer of iPrimus before 28 February, you'll receive $10 off for the first 6 months on their high speed plans.
Additionally, you'll also receive a free modem – so you'll have everything you need out of the box. There are no set-up fees either.
New and existing customers who sign up or renew before 31 January will also be eligible for 3 months of Fetch TV. That's something that can come in very handy for entertaining family and friends over the holidays!
2. Get ahead of the new school year rush
After Christmas comes the new year. And not long after that, school begins again.
There's no question that the internet is critical for the modern learning environment.
With an increased emphasis on tools like video and cloud-based software being part of the curriculum, ensuring that any learners in your home have great internet access is essential.
Given all of the other tasks involved in preparing for the school year – sourcing new school uniforms, stationery shopping, admin and more – why leave it to the last minute?
3. Set yourself up for remote work more effectively
Looking to shoot off a few emails over the holidays or planning to be working through to the new year?
The quality of your work is going to be heavily influenced by the quality of your internet.
Given the increased rate of remote work over the last couple of years, there's been a push towards remote access and cloud-based databases.
But of course – you need fast and reliable internet that doesn't drop out.
So while things are a little quieter at the home office over the holidays, why not use this as an opportunity to upgrade?
4. Cut down on your gaming lag
There are plenty of kids and adults alike across Australia who are looking forward to getting a new console in their stocking this year.
But with regular game patches, live updates and online play, hooking your console up to the world wide web isn't just "nice" any more – it's an inbuilt part of the experience.
So having a high-speed, reliable internet connection around this time of year is essential to getting the most out of your new gaming devices.
After all – getting pwned because you're bad at a game is one thing. But getting pwned because you've got a laggy connection is just needlessly brutal.
The sooner you make the change, the sooner you'll be able to blast some absolute n00bs off the map.
5. Keep the family happy with high speed internet across multiple devices
We've all experienced the dread curse of slowdown.
When too many people are using the one (questionable) internet connection, things can slow to an absolute crawl.
More people using the internet + slow connection = family conflict!
That's not really in line with the peace, love and harmony that you want to encourage this time of year, is it?
So maybe it's time to consider making the switch to a faster connection and skip the conflict this Christmas.
Explore broadband plans with iPrimus today
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