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Finder Innovation Awards Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

The Finder Innovation Awards 2024 ("Awards") are conducted by Hive Empire Pty Ltd (ABN 18 118 725 121) trading as ("Finder") of Level 10, 99 York Street, Sydney NSW 2000 ("", "Finder", "We", "Us", "Our").

In these terms and conditions of entry ("Terms"), unless otherwise stated, a reference to "Applicant" means the natural person or legal person identified as such in an application submitted in accordance with these Terms for the purpose of entry into the Awards.


  1. To be eligible to enter the Awards, the Applicant must:
    1. satisfy the eligibility criteria for the relevant Award Category ("Eligibility Criteria") set out in the Awards Methodology located here ("Awards Methodology"); and
    2. where the Applicant is a legal person:
      1. operate its business in Australia and provide its products and/or services to Australian customers; and
      2. have a registered Australian Business Number.
  2. To enter the Awards and be eligible to win, the Applicant must:
    1. comply with the Terms, the Guidelines and Eligibility Criteria;
    2. submit an entry for 1 or more Award Categories (determined by the Applicant) by completing the online application form for the relevant Award Category(ies) at ("Application Form"); and
    3. submit the completed requisite Application Form(s) and provide all requested supporting documentation ("Application") by 5:00PM AEST on 30 August 2024. Special consideration extensions may be granted at Finder's sole discretion.
  3. We reserve the right to reject any Application and declare any entry ineligible if, during the Awards Period, We reasonably determine that:
    1. the Applicant (including any of its officeholders, executives, owners or founders, where applicable) has, or is likely to, engaged in any activity, statement, or conduct that may bring Finder and/or the Awards into disrepute;
    2. the Applicant (including any of its officeholders, executives, owners or founders, where applicable) have not complied with, or are unable to comply with, these Terms, the Guidelines or the Eligibility Criteria;
    3. the submitted Application is incomplete or indecipherable;
    4. any information submitted in an Application and any of its supporting documentation was, or subsequent to its submission date during the Awards Period is:
      1. false, misleading or inaccurate (including due to omission and/or deficient information); and/or
      2. disclosed unlawfully in breach of applicable law or regulation or the Applicant's contractual obligations to a third party.


  1. The instructions on how to enter the Awards and judging and selection of Awards winners are set out at and are incorporated by reference into and form part of these Terms.
  2. The Applicant warrants and represents to Us that:
    1. the information submitted in an Application and any of its supporting documentation is and will remain at all times during the Awards Period, true, accurate, current, not misleading and compliant with applicable law and regulation; and
    2. where the Applicant is a legal person:
      1. the person(s) involved in the preparation and submission of Application have all necessary and prerequisite authorities, consents, rights, powers and permissions to make and submit the Application and enter into these Terms for and on behalf of the Applicant; and
      2. it has full corporate power and authority to enter into, perform and observe its obligations under these Terms, and that its execution, delivery and performance of these Terms has been duly and validly authorised by all necessary corporate action.
  3. The Applicant acknowledges and agrees that the submission of an Application:
    1. will be relied upon by Us for the purpose of the Awards and selection of Award winners;
    2. constitutes the entry of the Applicant into the Awards;
    3. constitutes the Applicant's deemed acceptance of, and agreement to be legally bound by and comply with, these Terms for the duration of the Awards Period; and
    4. to the extent collected or otherwise processed by us in connection with an Application and the administration of the Awards, their personal information (where the Applicant is a legal person, the personal information of its representatives) will be handled in accordance with the Finder Group Privacy & Cookies Policy.
  4. The Awards will run for the duration commencing on the earlier of 16 July 2024 or the submission date of the Applicant's first Application, and ending at 5:00 PM AEST on 30 August 2024 ("Awards Period").
  5. The duration of the Awards Period may be shortened or extended by Us, at Our sole discretion.


  1. The Awards comprise the following categories:
  2. Award CategoryAward Name
    IndustryBest Banking and Payments Innovation
    Best Insurance Innovation
    Best Lending Innovation
    Best Investment Innovation
    Best Innovation in Digital Currencies & Web3
    Best Travel Innovation
    Best Retail Innovation
    Best Retail Product Innovation
    Best Telco Innovation
    Business and Social ImpactBest B2B Innovation
    Best Online Customer Service
    Best Social Impact Innovation
    Best Tech Innovation
    PeopleInnovation Champion
    Most Innovative Team


  1. To the extent allowed by the law, we are not liable, and expressly exclude liability for, any loss, injury or damage which results directly or indirectly from the Awards, the publication of any matter related to the Awards, or Our reasonable reliance on any Application submitted by the Applicant. For the avoidance of doubt, we are not liable for any breach of any third-party intellectual property rights by the Applicant.


  1. The Applicant will at all times indemnify, keep indemnified, defend and hold harmless Us, Our related bodies corporate and each of Our respective officers, employees and agents (" Indemnified Persons"), from and against any loss (including reasonable legal costs and expenses) or liability incurred by any of the Indemnified Persons arising from any claim, demand, suit, action or proceeding by any person against any of the Indemnified Persons where such loss or liability arose out of, in connection with or in respect of the Awards, the publication or promotion of any matter related to the Awards, any breach of these Terms or Our reasonable reliance on any Application submitted by the Applicant.


  1. At any time during or after the Awards Period, We reserve the right to disqualify the Applicant entirely, or any one of its Applications (where multiple are received) in the event of non-compliance with these Terms.
  2. We may, in Our discretion, revoke any Award granted to the Applicant if we reasonably determine that the Applicant (and, its representatives, where applicable) has or is likely to, engage in any activity, statement or conduct(including of a personal or business nature) that:
    1. is illegal;
    2. is misleading, deceptive, inaccurate or misrepresentative;
    3. may harm Us or bring Us, Our name or reputation into disrepute; or
    4. breaches these Terms.
  3. If requested by Us, the Applicant agrees to (and, where applicable, will procure its representatives to) no longer publicly promote itself or its business as being affiliated or otherwise associated with the Awards. This clause survives the termination or expiration of these Terms.
  4. A panel of judges consisting of internal subject matter experts will review all valid Applications received in the Awards Period and will select a winner for each Award in accordance with the Awards Methodology. The judges' decision is final. No decision will be reviewed and no correspondence will be entered into.
  5. We accept no responsibility for entries not received by Us for any reason.
  6. All entries become Our property and, by submitting an Application, the Applicant grants Us an exclusive and non-revocable right to publish, promote, use and reference such Application including its contents and any other information included in it, or supporting documentation provided in connection with it. We do not provide feedback on any Application.
  7. We have the right to alter or cancel part or all of the Awards at any time, in Our sole discretion.
  8. The Awards, and these Terms, are governed by the laws of the State of New South Wales, and the courts of the State of New South Wales will have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising out of or in connection with them.

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