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Top Broadband Plans
Aussies throw away $456 on average by not switching internet plans.
Unlimited internet with no upfront costs
Keep your costs low when signing up to a new NBN plan.
5G home internet plans – Look mum, no wires!
Get lightning-fast speeds on a 5G home internet plan.
Compare home wireless broadband plans, no fuss involved
Home wireless broadband can be a good alternative to the NBN for some households, offering fast setup, similar speeds, and unlimited data.
Accord NBN review
Accord with Officeworks is the Australian retailer's attempt to shake up the broadband market with simple and speedy NBN plans.
Best internet providers in Australia
See the top 10 internet providers on Finder over the last month.
Cheap internet plans
You don't have to cheap out to save money on your broadband.
Compare unlimited internet plans for non-stop browsing and streaming
Unlimited internet plans are everywhere and fit every budget, so you’d have to go out of your way to find anything else.
Best internet deals for October 2024
Our team of experts has narrowed down the best internet deals this month to help you find the right one.
iPrimus review
With 20 years of experience in the Australian market, iPrimus offers customers a compelling, quality broadband service.
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